American Revolution

Causes of the American Revolution: Stamp act   The tax on the colonists was necessary to pay the cost of the British soldiers defending the colonies. Some colonists attacked the government stamp agents, lots of these colonists were part of the Sons of Liberty. The colonists are angered at being taxed directly by the British […]

English Civil war Time Line

English Civil War 1625-1649 Causes: Charles’ advisors were unpopular This had a very great affect on the civil war because Charles was already pushing Parliaments buttons, so bring in leaders that upset the people by offending their religious beliefs was not a good choice. The one of the  leaders that he brought  in, Archbishop decorated all of the puritans church’s with paintings and carvings. The result of this was a lot of angry puritans, whom make up most of England’s population at this time. They rebelled against the advisors by destroying all the carvings, stained glass, and paintings. It also caused parliament to make the choice for passing the grand remonstrance. Meanwhile all this is going on Charles’s closest advisor Strafford was trying to find a way to get money for Charles without using Parliament. He found ways such as taxing the people for ship money, forcing people to make loans to the crown, he would take peoples land and tell them if they wished for it back they would need to buy back. If Charles picked different advisors these conflicts probably would have been avoided which might  have  resulted in avoiding the whole English Civil War. This is what a Puritan Church back looked like back in the 1600’s Most significance components of the Civil War: Solemn league and covenant Parliament and Scotland made an alliance with each other. Part of the agreement to make this alliance was that parliament had promised that they would introduce Presbyterianism to England and in return they would give them there support in war. Their support was a huge help in many victories for parliament, as parliament as also able to better their army with the help of the Scots and become much stronger. This could have had a […]