- MP
- Minister
- Senator
- Governor General
- Prime Minister
Reasons Why:
- I would choose MP as my number one choice because while they don’t have an enormous amount of responsibilities, they still have quite a bit of influence on the government. I like that they have the chance to vote on new bills and that if they disagree with their party’s decision on something, they are allowed a free vote to make sure they have their say. There is also multiple opportunities for MP’s, such as the chance to be chosen to fill the Prime Minister’s Cabinet and become a Minister. On the other hand, one certain thing that I do not like about the MP’s job is that while they have the right to a free vote, a party whip will try and persuade them to keep the votes consistent and solid with the party.
- I would choose Minister as my number two choice because they can help support the Prime Minister and his decisions, without having all the other pressing responsibilities. I like that they can propose laws as well as specialize in certain areas of government, giving them the choice to work for something that they might be passionate about. There are some things however that I do not like about the Minister job such as the Cabinet oversees public/civil services which includes tax collecting, processing passports, and delivering mail and these can all be a bit boring at times.
- I would choose Senator as my number three choice because it is a fairly steady position to hold in government with Senators able to hold their position until they are 75. I also like that they are their own independent section of government since they have no attachment to MP’s so they can try and stay neutral when it comes time to review laws. Another thing I like is that while they check the legislations that are passed by the House of Commons, they can have their own opinions on it as well as propose laws themselves. I feel like it is a very balanced job in government. However, to counter these points, I can see the side of the argument where many people feel like the Senate is a waste of time as well as money.
- I would choose the Governor General as my number four choice because while it is a huge honour to be appointed by the Queen and Prime Minister to represent the Crown, the Governor General doesn’t really do much to create change but is instead a barrier between the Monarchy and Canada. It seems that most of the job is reading speeches, presiding over swear-ins, and giving royal assent to bills passed. It is nice to think that the GG has the power over the PM to keep them accountable; however, if they are never to use that power then there is really no point.
- I would choose the Prime Minister as my number five choice because I feel there are more pressures than rewards when it comes to be a leader of a country. First off, there are many circumstances when it comes to becoming the PM such as, they must win their riding as well as they have to retain the confidence of the House of Commons in that they can actually run a country. However, I like the fact that the Prime Minister can choose who they want in their Cabinet to best represent Canada as well as those who would do well in their specific Ministry fields. While this job pays well, a lot of what the PM says and decides is always widely criticized by those who do not agree when it comes to pressing issues and debates.
Excellent. Good, clear explanation of each position.