“Causes of WWI” Comic Assignment

  1. Identify the countries:

a) Serbia  b) Austria  c) Russia  d) Germany  e) France  f) Britain

2. Identify the theme and explain the history:

Blue –> This represents the “Triple Entente” which was consisted of France, Britain and Russia. It was an understanding of military cooperation for protection. Serbia was included in this as an ally with Russia preparing to help after Austria-Hungary declared war on them.

Yellow –> This represents the “Triple Alliance” which was made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy (not included in comic for they eventually joined the side of the Triple Entente). This alliance was put into effect after the Russian’s refuse to stop helping Serbia and Germany declares war on them to stay true to Austria.

3. Identify the theme and explain the history:

Green –> This could represent some Bosnian-Serbs that formed a terrorist group called the “Black Hand” to fight for Nationalism in the Balkans. The group wanted to unite Slavic people to form a “Greater Serbia”. This led to a Black Hand member named Gavrilo Princip assassinating the Archduke of Austria and his wife since the Austro-Hungarian government controlled several Slavic nations.

4. Identify the theme and explain the history:

Orange –> This could represent the conflict of Imperialism during the “Race for Africa” which was between Germany, France, and Britain. Germany wanted to strengthen their colonies in African to match Britain. This led to European empires being aggressive in pursuing establishment and competing for the same territories. France was also angry over the loss of the Alsace-Lorraine region to Germany in the Franco-Prussian war.

5. Identify the theme and explain the history:

Red –> This represents the conflict between Germany and Britain over naval power and Militarism. At the time, Britain had the largest and strongest navy as well as the most developed colonies across the world. Germany felt it was time for Britain to move over, so they began to increase their navy to increase their power and establish colonies across the world.

6. Explain the Sequence of Events:

  • a member of the Serbian terrorist group (Black Hand) assassinates the Austrian Archduke and his wife while they are visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia
  • Austria threatens Serbia with severe consequences if they don’t cooperate with the Austrian investigation which allows Austrian officials to invade Serbia to look into the assassination/ punish those involved while suppressing nationalism
  • Serbia does not accept the terms so Austria-Hungary declares war on them, prompting Russia to begin mobilizing in order to support Serbia in anticipation of a war
  • Austria-Hungary demand that Russia cease their mobilization, but Russia ignores this command
  • Germany declares war against Russia and France due to alliance made with Austria
  • Britain declares war on Germany due to agreement of the Triple Entente

7. Analysis

a) I think this comic represents the Triple Entente’s perspective because the countries within that alliance are portraying themselves as the ones who are stepping in to help save the little country of Serbia when the other major countries such as Austria and Germany, begin bullying it.

b) The first country, Serbia, is depicted as a child in the comic because it shows that Serbia was a small country that was attacked by a major power country. This attack then caused other major powers to get involved as the issue escalated.

c) The title of the comic, “A Chain of Friendship”, is most likely sarcastic due to the fact that the major powers of the world were in disagreement and while they called themselves “friends” or allies, each country wanted something for themselves from the war. For example, Germany wanted to build their empire, navy and attack France in revenge for their losses in the Anglo-Prussian War in 1870. Meanwhile, Britain had their own issues with Germany for attacking a neutral Belgium and weren’t overly concerned with protecting their so-called ally, Serbia. So while these countries claimed to be friends in their separate alliances, none really cared about the others well-being, only their own issues.



One comment

  1. brchan · May 15, 2018 at 10:23 pm ·
