This week in math 10 we started trigonometry a question that was challenging for me was:

Question 5 

You have to find angle LKN which basically means to find angle K the tough part of this question is there is no way to find the angle with using the shape as a whole you have to split the shape into a triangle and a square. To find the side lengths you keep the 6 and to find the base you do 11-6=5, and to find the hypotenuse you use the pythagorean theorem. I found the angle but it was only half. Then I realized “ah ha” I need to add the angle I got to the 90 degree angle of the square then I will get the full angle.

New Steps:

-Split compound shapes into smaller shapes.

-Figure out the way you are going to approach the question.

Week 7 in Math 10- Michael Eng
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