This was our planning.
This is our powerpoint.
These are pictures of our circuit and us presenting to the dragons.
Core Competency-
For my core competency I chose critical thinking skills because I feel I have really excelled in this particular category while working on my dragons den presentation. I identified and studied the criteria sheet before starting my project so I make sure I include everything and I also used it during the process of making my project so I can make sure I am reaching my goal for my presentation. I analyzed things from different perspectives a lot when working on this project, for example working in a group requires a lot of this because another group member may see things differently then you and you have to understand there point of view, when I was working on this project my group members thought our project needed a bell and I needed to process and look at it from their perspective. When I was working on the project I also analyzed from different perspectives like did we reach our goal, as a group and individually, did we challenge our self enough, are we happy with our product and this project also had to different purposes which was the science portion/circuit and the COL/presentation portion. I reflected on every step we did while working on this project like is our idea good or excellent and did we put enough thought into our project, for example one of the biggest changes I made was switching our purpose of teleportation to a GPS device for seniors because of capability, this took discussing the idea to all group members and analyzing the pros and cons. A lot of thinking critically takes some individual thoughts too, when working on this project I made sure I put in equal effort and stepped up when my group needed me I also think I critiqued my group members ideas very well. When we wanted to do teleportation, as a group we said this is not capable and we analyzed and said this does not fit we need to come up with a new idea that solves a sub-problem for mobility/transportation. Overall this project made me a more critical thinker because I solved problems that are both small and large by analyzing them by asking myself and my group questions.
Collaboration Reflection-
I think my group did pretty good. We divided our roles pretty evenly. Writes script(Jerome), Edits script and reads of off power point (Claire) Answers questions and explains invention and created problem and circuit(Michael). We solved problems as a group by asking each other questions and critiquing each others ideas. An example of us working and analyzing together is when we switched our idea to be more realistic, we switched from teleportation to a GPS device for seniors alzheimer’s. We did this by analyzing the pros and cons and listening to each others ideas. we examined as a group and executed as a group when planning and especially when presenting we each contributed what we were capable and said we were in the proposal and we all stepped up when we needed a extra push or more motivation. Overall were happy with our product and execution of the process.
Experience Debrief-
I liked how this project was open ended and it was pretty much left for us to make it creative, I also liked how this project tested our electricity/circuit skills and our collaboration/presentation skills. I did not like how the dragons did not critique our work and did not say if our product was good or not good. I learned that it is better to be over prepared then under prepared because the more prepared the more knowledgeable you are about your project, which means when the dragons ask questions you know how to answer them. I would have practiced answering questions about the product so I would have been prepared to answer the dragons questions more in debt. I would give myself this advice, to rehearse the presentation more so I can critique and add or change things. Overall I think I learned a lot from the experience.
You did a great job sharing what you learned regarding your Core Competency. Your also did well explaining your innovation. I like how you included your planning and embedded your PowerPoint. Your reflection is also very good. I really like how you have objectively looked at how your group worked together. Excellent work with an excellent post.