Synthesis Essay Corrected

Synthesis Essay 11 I am most proud of my introduction and conclusion building and liked how I took big ideas and summarized it in the best way I could. The biggest thing I need to improve on is my writing in general. I have always struggled with essay writing and writing in general, so I […]

English 11 Reflections

In English 11, I definitely learned a lot about each unit we’ve done this semester and I found them all very interesting. I learned more about censorship and identity in our society and I think that was really cool because outside of class we don’t have the chance to talk about some things. My thinking […]

Design Thinking

Below is a photo of our 3D model reflecting our ideas and brainstorms. Xaiver, Mikee, and I worked together to build these models in class today. We took two tissue boxes and used pipe cleaners and stickers to make these models the best we could in the time given. The box on the left is […]

Week 17 – PreCalc 11

This week in PreCalc 11 We started Trig and we learned the Sine Law. The Sine Law is   . Once we have the side length and 2 angles, we can find another side length. We can also flip this formula around to find a missing angle. The lower case letters stand for the side length […]