Collaboration fluency:

Here is the link to our sway:

Examine: I had a fun time working and collaborating with my classmates! We all had something unique that we brought and we worked together! Today I learned that when collaborating with others we can accomplish amazing thing. However I learned that I need to work on listening to everyones ideas instead of just saying no. I am very proud of the sway we created and hope to work with my classmates sometime soon!

Huntington’s disease Short Story

Part 1:

Hi, my name is Jane. I am one of my host’s genes. My host suffers from a rare neurodegenerative disorder called Huntington’s disease. It basically means that she has a hard time controlling her movements, recalling events and making decisions. Soon Alysha won’t be able to walk, talk or eat without any help.

It’s really sad because I know that she’s not going to get better, she’ll only get worse. I remember when Alysha lived a normal live and was able to travel the world. Travelling the world was so much fun but my host isn’t allowed to anymore, not that she would remember any of it nor would she know where she was. Now Alysha is forced to live in assisted living with her aunt who also has Huntington’s disease. This means that it is an inherited disease.

My host’s life isn’t the same as everyone else and it’s not her fault – it’s mine. You see, I am supposed to provide instructions for making a protein called huntingtin. This protein plays an important role in the neurons in the brain which is essential for the normal development before birth. Huntingtin is found in many of the body tissues but mostly in the brain. Its job is to send chemical signals from the brain to the body, transporting materials and protecting the cells from self-destruction.

During genetic mutation, the DNA sequence changes permanently (substitution). DNA can undergo mutations in the sequence of bases, A, C, G, and T and during DNA replication if errors are made or not corrected in time. Eventually this disease will sadly lead to the death of Alysha and I am the reason why.





Part 2:


– What is huntington’s disease?

– How does huntington’s disease affect people?

– How does huntington’s occur?

– What happens in the body to cause huntington’s disease?

– What are the symptoms of huntington’s disease?

– Is there any treatment for Huntington’s disease?

– Is huntington’s disease hereditary?

– Characteristics of a person with huntington’s disease?

– Is Huntington’s rare?


The tools that I used are:
– Google
– Youtube
– The syndrome’s website
– Bing
– Dogpile
– Yahoo
– Wikipedia
– Encyclopedia


What is Huntington disease?

What is Huntington disease?

Homepage 2020’s_disease


I thought that the process went very well. I learned a lot about mutations and Huntington’s disease. The 4d’s are very helpful and I love how we had to put in our sources. Next time I would like to research a bit more before I start instead of rushing in to it.

Science App Review:

The app that I chose is called Chem Games and it is an app that can help you review what you have learned in class. It gives you multiple choice questions on matter, mass, solutions, atoms and much more. This app can help you to study for tests. All you have to do is click on play and what you would like to study after you have done that multiple choice questions will appear and you can pick which one you want to answer.


I always have lots of trouble understanding what my teachers are teaching. It’s almost like it gets processed in my brain as gibberish. I am always looking for ways to understand and when it comes to tests I’m completely lost. When I study textbooks or sheets that my teacher handed out I tend to not know what I am learning. I need to improve my studying skills. Our task is to find an app in the app store that can help us with our science 9 course.


Some possible solutions for me would be to concentrate on what I was doing and read it over and over and then search for the words that I don’t know until I understand. Another possible solution would be to find an app to help me. After all there are over 1.5 million apps in the app store so I’m sure I could find at least one that can help me with science. It would be nice to have a way for me to learn easily and understand science, to have an accessible app to study with 24/7, accessible without Wi-Fi, could tell me if I have the wrong answer and could help me do well on tests.


After a really long time of googling and looking for apps in the App Store. I found an awesome app called “chem games”. Chem games is an app that gives you multiple choice questions. In order to unlock more multiple-choice questions you must get the ones that you were given right.


I spent a long time playing this game (it was very addicting) I found that this app gives amazing questions with two settings “ easy and difficult”. When I entered the app I found 4 different options I could click on “Settings, help, leaderboard and play”. I would definitely recommend this app to my peers.
I give my app 11/10.



In the science project we learned about solution fluency and how to do it. I reviewed an app and learned how to post my review to youtube next time I really tired to do the best I could. Next time I am going to try to get my homework done faster.

Projet Podcast:

Les matins et les devoirs:

Est-ce-que tu aime lever tôt dans les matins pour l’école je ne croie pas. Nous non plus donc dans cet épisode nous aurons avoir un coup de guelle sur cet sujet. Ça serait plus facile si l’école commence à 2 heures dans après midi et termine à 3 heures dans après midi.
– Les devoirs seulement ajoute le stress. Nous n’aime pas les devoirs donc rejoignez-nous dans le battre contre les devoirs.

Les personnes qui mâche avec leur bouge ouvert et les personnes qui ne s’excuse pas après qu’ils ont fait quelque chose qui a te blessé:

C’est tellement ennuyeux quand les personnes mange avec les bouges ouvert! JE DOIS PAS VOIR QU’EST-CE-QUE C’EST DANS TA BOUGE!
-C’est tellement impoli quand les personnes n’excuse pas après qu’ils ont fait quel que chose de mauvais, on n’aime pas ça donc nous aurons un coup de guelle.

Les personnes qui texte leur ami quand ils conduisent
Pourquoi est-ce-que il y a une limite de stockage sur les téléphones.

Beaucoup de personnes meurent à cause des personnes qui texte quand ils conduisent. C’est un sujet très grâve et nous n’aimons pas quand les personnes le fait donc nous aurons un coup de guelle. Tu sais ce momemt ou tu vois Taylor Swift alors tu ouvres ta camara sur ta téléphone mais tu n’a pas assez de stockage pour prendre un photo. C’est absolument terrible on aurons faire un coup de guelle sur ce sujet.

4) Les examens ajoute beaucoup de stress et nous n’aimons pas le stress donc nous aurons un coup de guelle.
-Tout que nous disons pour maintenant est que on aimons pas Donald Trump. Comment peut-il être élu!

My digital footprint


What is a digital footprint:

I have learned that my digital footprint is started even before you are born whether it’s my first sonogram or my parents announcing my gender. My digital footprint will stay with me even after I have passed away. Anything that I do on the internet goes into my digital dossier and that’s why it is important to think before you post as you can never get rid of it. A digital footprint is a collection of all of my online activities. All of your future employers are able to see what you once did on the internet. Your digital footprint doesn’t have to be a negative thing as long as you are taught how to use the internet correctly.


Strategies I can use to keep my digital dossier, appropriate and safe:

In order to keep your digital footprint safe, you can THINK before you post. This will make sure that you don’t put anything on the internet that you will regret later. Your digital footprint is permanent and once you click that post button you can never take it back. One thing you can think about to help you remember is would it be okay if your mom and dad saw it? If not, you probably shouldn’t put it on the internet. After all that one post from when you were 13 could affect your whole life. It is also very important to keep all your stuff private because anyone can see it. 

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What have I learned & how will I share what I’ve learned:

I have learned to keep my private information private because not everything needs to be broadcasted online. If you wouldn’t tell the person standing behind you at the market your full name and phone number then you definately should not be putting that online. I have also learned that anything that I put online can be seen by my future employers. I will continue to share what I’ve learned by reminding people not to post something in anger because anyone can see it online. What are you truly accomplishing by saying things behind a computer screen. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Simply put, if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Remember, you can’t truly delete when you send.

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Image 1:

Image 2: Made by myself using

Image 3:

Image 4:

Image 5:

Image 6:



Notre progession du projet de podcast:

Ma Partenaire: Paige

– Notre logo :


– Notre titre du podcast: Les coups de gueules avec M et P

– Notre description: Nous sommes 2 filles qui aime beaucoup les coups de guelles. Chaque mois nous aurons préparer deux nouveaux sujets dans une podcast et nous ferons les coups de guelles. On pense que c’est vraiment important exprimer comment nous sentons.

– les titres de nos 4 émissions:
1) Pourquoi est-ce-que on doit levé tôt dans les matins pour l’école.
Pourquoi est-ce-que on doit faire les devoirs.

2) Quand les personnes mange avec leur bouge ouvrent.
Quand les personnes ne s’excuse pas après ils ont fait quel que chose de mal.

3) Les personnes qui texte leur ami quand ils conduisent
Pourquoi est-ce-que il y a une limite de stockage sur les téléphones.

4) Pourquoi est-ce-que on doit avoir les examens
Donald trump!

– les descriptions de vos 4 émissions
1)- Est-ce-que tu aime lever tôt dans les matins pour l’école je ne croie pas. Nous non plus donc dans cet épisode nous aurons avoir un coup de guelle sur cet sujet. Ça serait plus facile si l’école commence à 2 heures dans après midi et termine à 3 heures dans après midi.
– Les devoirs seulement ajoute le stress. Nous n’aime pas les devoirs donc rejoignez-nous dans le battre contre les devoirs.

2) C’est tellement ennuyeux quand les personnes mange avec les bouges ouvert! JE DOIS PAS VOIR QU’EST-CE-QUE C’EST DANS TA BOUGE!
-C’est tellement impoli quand les personnes n’excuse pas après qu’ils ont fait quel que chose de mauvais, on n’aime pas ça donc nous aurons un coup de guelle.

3) Beaucoup de personnes meurent à cause des personnes qui texte quand ils conduisent. C’est un sujet très grâve et nous n’aimons pas quand les personnes le fait donc nous aurons un coup de guelle.
– Tu sais ce momemt que voir Taylor Swift car tu ouvres ta camara sur ta téléphone mais tu n’a pas assez de stockage pour prendre un photo. C’est absolument terrible on aurons faire un coup de guelle sur ce sujet.

4) Les examens ajoute beaucoup de stress et nous n’aimons pas le stress donc nous aurons un coup de guelle.
-Tout que nous disons pour maintenant est que on aimons pas Donald Trump.