Category Archives: Pre-Calculus 12
Desmos Art Function Card 2019
Desmos Art Link:
Core Competencies Reflexion:
Honestly, this project was quite the challenge. Due to the fact that I have never done a Demos Art Project, and I have limited experience using desmos. In the beginning, I did not know where to start or what I wanted my personalized Christmas card to look like. had to watch one Youtube videos about demos in order to make my Christmas Card in the beginning, but I slowly started to pick up the techniques. I made several paper sketches to ensure that I was happy with the way it would turn out. I am proud of the amount of hard work and determination that went into this project. It required a ton of critical thinking when I was trying to aligne the “R”, “S”, “T”, “M” and “A”. Most of the letters were a hit or miss when I first started to write “Merry Christmas”. Figuring out the Domains and Ranges of all the letters and Christmas symbols was the hardest part of the project. I learned how to efficiently use the Domain, Range and slope in order to make my Christmas Card look the best it can. My creative thinking came into play when I was attempting to incorporate all of the functions we studied. For example, I had a hard time trying to figure out how I could incorporate a Log function into my Christmas Card. After a lot of thinking, I decided to use a log function as my snowman’s arm. I truly believe that this project enhanced my ability to understand all of the different functions that we have studied, and how they can relate to each other.
Transformations Unit Core Competencies
During the transformation unit, I had the opportunity to improve my critical/creative thinking skills and my communication skills. The transformations unit requires a lot of creativity in order to apply our learning. I did not always understand what the question was asking; however, I took a creative approach to solving the question. Figuring out ways to remember that the X value is the opposite while inside the function was quite difficult for me. “The teenager effect” proved to be a very effective way to teach me an essential point of the transformation unit. This unit requires a fair amount of algebra and concepts in order to solve the questions and I got to improve my critical thinking skills through every lesson. One of the most valuable lessons that I have learned is to use my support system. Therefore, whenever I had a question or I wasn’t 100 percent sure how to answer it, I would communicate with my peers and Mr. Muro to enrich my understandings. This transformations Unit has allowed me to grow as a mathematician and develop more skills to succeed in my Pre-Calculus 12 course.