Baked goods lab reflexion

When we first started our chocolate cake lab, I was concerned that our product would not turn out as expected. I was also concerned about the amount of time we had to complete the lab, but our process went well, and we all stepped up and did our duties. I was very happy with how well my group worked, we were missing one person, so we all had to do a bit more work. We substituted white sugar for brown sugar, and although it tastes good, I think that it would have tasted better with white sugar, other than that I wouldn’t change a thing. To conclude, I was very happy with how our final product turned out, and I would definitely consider making this at home.

Self-Assessment Form

Proportional Reasoning Review: Scale Drawing Word problems

Scale Drawing Word Problems:

Part 1:

Part 2:

How are similar shapes related?

• Similar Shapes have the same angles
• The length of both corresponding sides are equal
• Similar = The same – except one is an enlargement or reduction of the original

What characteristics make shapes similar?

• Similar shapes have same angles but different lengths

• You can divide the lenght of one side by the length of its corresponding side to find out if they are similar.


$20 potato day

Melia, Rees, Ethan and Shane/ Block C/ Unit 6

Breakfast: Hash browns:

Potatos – $2.30/ Half bushel
Butter- $0
Pepper- $0
Salt- $0
Bacon- $4.99/pound

Lunch: Potato Salad

Potatos- $2.30/ half bushel (Already bought)
Mayonnaise- $2.98
Pickle relish- $1.98
Onion- $1.67
mustard- $1.93
carrots- $1.00
parsley- $1.00

Dinner: Baked Potato

Potatos- $2.30/ half bushel (Already bought)
Salt- $0
Black pepper- $0
Sour cream- $2
Bacon- $4.99/pound (Already bought)

Total: $ 17.85

Noodles at home

1. Rice Cereal

Sweet Rice cereal with milk, cinnamon and sugar drizzled over top. A great way to start the day!

2. Spaghetti Carbonara
A classic Italian sagetti recipe, topped with fresh parsley, red pepper flakes and green pees. Perfect for any occasion.

3. Rich and Creamy Beef stroganoff

A rich, creamy beef stroganoff dish, made with a roux based sauce and topped with delicious toppings such as, mushrooms, red pepper flakes, olive oil, red wine and black pepper.

Part 3: Pictures