Blog Log – I Could Be Wrong

I’m certainly uncertain

The author starts open and honest with admitting that “I could be wrong” (Allen Berger). Using insightful words and messages Allen Barger explains with experience and knowledge how being uncertain is the most certain thing we have. For me and many others being certain, solid facts is a life blood, it grounds us and being wrong means failing. To be able to accept that we aren’t certain about anything is to be open and accepting, acknowledging that maybe we aren’t right helping the truth emerge. The author establishes that uncertainty leaves us open and more willing to accept the currant and the new for what they are without holding on to the past. The author portrays certainty as potentially harmful because when people accept certainty, they become inflexible. If we can’t be certain about anything than how can we trust in the certainty? When scientist is disproving other scientists every other day how can believe in what is presented as certainty? Well, we can’t be certain about almost anything, but we can be certain that things will always change and it’s just a matter of accepting the change when it comes.

I Could Be Wrong from This I Believe

One comment

  1. Kathy Shong · April 9, 2019 at 9:34 pm ·

    thanks, Megan – a very interesting philosophy; I agree that we need to embrace uncertainty, the opposite of hubris – thoughtful comments