Mon Feb 26
- Introduction to the math mysteries and golden rule
- you will need your algebra tiles!
- homework: with 4 equations in the format ax+b=cx+d , take photos of your simplification steps, explain what you did in each. The first 2 MUST be visual (pictures or drawings) and the remaining 2 can just be written (or drawing/photos if you’d prefer). Check your solution to the mystery with Wolframalpha
- Post on blog: category math 9, tag (and title): solving equations visually
Weds Feb 28
- warmup – modeling equations
- Lesson: what does the solution mean? How can you check? which is the solution
- Homework: Solve the 9 equations created by your team and solve (clearly showing all steps). Take a picture of your work and post in your class notebook for me to see – title “solving team equations” Students who left for the field trip – solve these questions: team equations
Fri Mar 2
- warmup: solving equations
- Lesson: Solving equations with brackets, decimals or fractions
- homework: Pg 319 # 6, 8, 23 (show check for each) Pg 329 #26