Science 10 - Honours

Scientific Method Bubble Gum Lab

Today, our task was to compare two brands of gum, Hubba Bubba and Big League and see which brand could produce the biggest bubble. After finding out which brand produced the biggest bubble, we did a secondary experiment to see which brand of chewed gum could stretch the farthest.

We started with the first task to which we hypothesized that If the Hubba Bubba is chewed then it will stretch farther than the Big League because it has a stronger consistency (cube shape compared to tiny strings).

We found after chewing both gums and blowing multiple bubbles that our hypothesis was incorrect as the Big League created a bubble average of 10cm while the Hubba Bubba created a bubble average of 8.3. We figure that the Big League created the biggest bubble average because the consistency was much softer and stretchier than the Hubba Bubba.

We then started the second task making an educated guess that If the bubble size is large then it relates to the stretch-ability because in order to blow a bubble, the gum must be able to stretch by a lot.

After testing both gums we obtained the data that the Hubba Bubba was able to stretch to 49cm while the Big League was able to stretch to only 39cm.

After the two tasks were completed, we realized that our answers were opposite, one gum brand was better at a certain task while the other gum brand was better at the other task. However, we found that there could have been some key factors that affected the outcome of each experiment.

  1. Ones ability to blow bubbles.
  2. How the gum was chewed. (speed and rate)
  3. The strength of the persons jaw.
  4. If the person was talking while chewing.
  5. How recently the gum had been chewed before it was stretched.

After completing the two tasks and realizing that our results were opposite, we believe that out hypothesis should be refuted because the five factors listed above had played a major role in our experiments. However despite those results, I do still strongly believe that the stretch-ability definitely plays a part in how big the bubbles can be. Although our results might not have been 100% accurate, this first experiment showed that the Big League was better at blowing bubbles it starts of as stringy and thin rather than solid and in a cube. The second experiment showed that the harder gum (Hubba Bubba) was much stronger than the Big League therefore it was able to stretch farther without breaking.

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