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NWR Questions.

on May 27, 2016

1. Aboriginals: Bison are dissipearing which leads them to starvation. Their lands were signed away from tretis and they now see towns, farm fences and railways on the once wild and glories paradise. Cree chief Big Bear, and Crowfoot, leading chief of the Blackfoot, founded an Aboriginal confederacy to try to solve their people’s grievances.

Metis: They still feel vulnerable after their Red River uprising in Manitoba a decade earlier. Their old life of fur trading and Carriers of HBC is now dissipearing along with the bison.

Canada:Poor harvests, done dealing with the aboriginals. Put more money into the CPR.

2.Metis took over Batoche and Fort Carlton They take the position at Duck lake. Lid Croder rides out to fight them. CRebellion has started and motivates aboriginals to fight

3.Send in Middleton and 5000 militia

4Goverment cut off rations to Cree.  Big Bear’s people capture residents (Metis and non-Metis). Killed the Indain Agent, tow priests farming Instructor, trader, miler and 3 others

5.Middleton’s men neet at fish Creek. DuPont sets up and ambush at fish Creek. Middleton has trouble getting hit men across the river, takes more casualties than Metis. Both sides pull back

6.Aboriginals snake camp outside Battleford. Otter sent to defend. Aboriginals had land adavantage and drove them back in 6 hours. Pound maker tells his people not to pursue

7.Very-Brought the filters to fight the Aboriginals and Metis to prove the usefulness of the CPR

8.Middleton tries to Bonnard Batoche From the river, falls as Metis Tower ferry cable to stop the boat. Middleton builds fortifications. No change for 3 days. 2 Units act independently and attack Metis who are now running out of supplies. Metis surrender in 6 days *Riel surrenders)

9. Metis ran out of ammunition, aboriginals and Metis were not organized together

10 Political and religious delusions Mae him unaware of what he was doing- pleading insanity

11. Damon’s escapes to Montana, Big Bear and Poundmaker both sentenced to 3 years for treason and die über toy after.

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