January 11

Static Electricity PHET Sim Review

Science App Review

The app I chose today was PHET interactive simulations Balloons and Static Electricity. I would rate this app 7.5/10


It shows you the changes in charges and how the charges affect different things.

The sweater shows how balloons stick to it when the charges vary.


It doesn’t have anything else but a sweater to test the balloons on.

I think that if they added some more options to it like different objects or something, then I would give this a higher rating.

  1. Q: What does the app provide for Science?

A: It shows how the negative and positive electrons react to each other and what happens when you tear negative electrons off of a surface like the sweater.

  1. Q: What would improve the app?

A: A few more objects to rub the balloons on and maybe more scientific information.

  1. Q:  What was one of the things you noticed while you were testing the app?

A: I noticed it was a bit rugged and the balloons were hard to move with the mouse pad.

  1. Q:  How would this help you in school?

A: If you were studying how negatively and positively charged electrons work this might help you find out how they work.

  1. Q:  How easily accessible is the app?

A: This app is on a site called PHET and is not very easily accessible.

App  Site