week 6 precalc

this week in precalc 11 we learned how to find X with this new formula we were shown.

x=\frac{-b \pm\sqrt {b^2-4ac} } {2a}

the way the question will be set up for you to use this formula is like

x^2 +x +n = 0


it is very important that it = 0 because if it doesn’t than you will get the wrong answer

so for our example we will have

x^2 +8x +5 = 0

x^2 =a 8x=b 5=c

0=\frac{-8 \pm\sqrt {8^2-4(1)(5)} } {2(1)}

now you just have to follow the rules pedmas

0=\frac{-8 \pm\sqrt {64-20} } {2}


0=\frac{-8 \pm\sqrt {44} } {2}


0=\frac{-8 +or- 4\sqrt {11} } {2}


0=-4 +or- 2\sqrt {11}


x= -2\sqrt {11} if +2


x= -6\sqrt {11} if -2

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