Physics 11 3D Printing Project

The Problem I chose for this project was a pulley question. The question is asking for the tension of the rope and asking for the acceleration of a pulley that has a 6kg weight and a 4kg weight. I first had to find F drop which was Mass times Gravity and did the same for F stop. I then added the two forces together, but in reality, subtracted the f stop from the f drop. This gave me the sum of forces. Then I used the sum of forces divided by the total weight, to find the acceleration. The acceleration was negative because it’s going down. Now that I have the acceleration, I can figure out the tension of the rope. Since T1=T2, I only need to find the tension for one of them. The formula for Tension is T=Mg+Fg, and I just needed to input the numbers to get the tension. My answer out of this was 47N of tension on the rope.

As shown in the pictures, I had 5 different prototypes of this project before I reached my final one. I added the writing to the blocks to make it look more interesting, I added many different pieces through the process in order to make it work and look better.

Overall I printed 3 different pieces, 2 of the blocks, and the base with the pulley. I added rope and glue in order to complete the pulley. I had to take off some of the extras from the print in order for it to look better. I added circles in the pulley wheel, which made the overall look nicer.

Lit Circle theme park



My contributions to the group were these: I completed the presentation aspect for 5/6ths of the group as I completed 10 out of the 12 minutes that were spoken. I spoke about the characters, the map, and the clothing items, but unfortunately due to Kei anne, not sending her presentation so that part did not get included in the presentation. Also when it comes to the terms of the actual work that I did, I completed characters, with their traits, and I also did the coordination of how the assignments would be evenly distributed, but unfortunately, Steven and Kei anne did not do anything so I had to contribute extra to the group. Lastly I had to make up for the parts that the group forgot to do, like the map and a little bit of other stuff. Overall I would say I did quite a bit of extra work for my group and overall I worked a lot.

Top 5 blog Post Math

This is my top 5 math blog post.

The first of the top 5 is my biggest aha moment was when we got a trig question and they asked to find a certain part of the question. All I had to do was to determine if the number in the fraction was on top or on the bottom, because if it was on top then you divide it, while if it is on the bottom it means that you multiply. When Mrs. Burton originally told us this, it felt like the answers kept on getting easier and easier.

The second part is not anything in the textbook or lessons, but when she gave us an ixl account it absolutely allowed me to excel and told me that the extra practice will help you in the long term and it is one of the most beneficial things I had done this year, It gave me immediate feedback which really helped because it let me know what I was doing wrong and what I was doing right. I will definately continue to do this site because it helped me do well in the class.

The third thing for me was when Mrs. Burton suggested that I do extra work when I come to school early in the mornings, I immediately saw results by my grades going up. After I got a 80% on my first test I wanted to do better, so I asked Mrs. Burton what to do and she said to do extra work in the morning when I had the chance and it worked for me, I opened the workbook early in the morning, and did all of the questions that no one else did, which allowed me to get way ahead of the class, and ended up with me getting above 90% on every test after that.

The 2nd last thing on this list is all of the blog post’s I had to post. While this might not seem like much, this may have been the most beneficial utility I had all year long. At the beginning of the year I didn’t like posting blogs at all because I felt like it was a waste of time but as I aimed for higher grades, I realized the fact that the blog posts allowed me to show my learning and showed me what I truly learned, and if I ever needed a reminder how to do a certain step in my math equation I could just look back at my blog post and have instant feedback and help with the question. One of the reasons I excelled in this class was because on weekend when I normally wouldn’t think about math, it kept the thought fresh in my head for when I came back to school that next week and had me prepared.

The final major thing I learned this year was BFSD, also know as best friends share desserts, but in math terms, Brackets, Fractions, Subtract, Divide, Which applied to exponents. When you get an exponents question you make sure you go in this order and you will get the correct answer if you do it the right way. If you dont go that way it give you a different answer, and over time it helped me a lot because I always wanted the most efficient way and this really made the exponent unit a lot easier for me.

Personal Logo Assignment

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A summary of the design process including sketching- Use these headings –

  1. Ideas for your Logo and how they connect to you : This logo connects to me because I have always wanted to make myself a logo, and the first thing I would put in the logo is a tennis racket and a ball because it represents my whole life and shows everyone the thing I care about most in my career.
  2. Research- I researched around and saw that the logo that would best suit me would be a circle, with a couple boxes inside, with the actual pictures inside of it, at the end of it I believe that the shapes that I made looks really well with all of it put together.
  3. Iterations – Sketches and/or Tracing : I traced off of a photo on my table to make the tennis racket, and to make the ball I also had a picture of a tennis ball and drew it on the screen with the shape tools to make it really look like a ball by cutting some of the shapes and still having the writing on the ball.
  4. The Results – 1 Black and White and 2 colour – While making the black and white one, I didn’t want to make it too basic by only doing black and white so I did different shades of black and white in order to give it a nicer look, by making it go from plain to some razzle by adding shades. The first coloured one had a red/pink background while maintaining a green tennis ball colour, but having a red racket with red and black strings which allows the colours to compliment each other. Also I left the writing black so my name stands out. Lastly the second coloured photo has the writing encased in a rounded blue rectangle which gives the viewer a different view on the logo. I made the racket bubblegum colour because this logo would suit kids because of the happy colours and vibrant views. This one is my favourite because the colours are vibrant and have different colours and shades
  5. Reflection – What makes it successful- In my opinion this logo is successful because it is simple yet nice to look at and gets the job done. Also the colours make it look appealing because they contrast each other well and adds a great aspect to the logo, and people realize that If they can take anything from it, its that I love tennis.
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