What I learned about Grade 9 Equations

What is an equation

An equation is when Then are two math statements that mean the exact same thing. An equation is separated by an = to show that they are both equal

What is an equivalent equation

Equivalent equations are equations that have the same meaning but could be in different form. Fox example 1x=1 and 2x=2 are equivalent equations because when you go to 3x it will be 3 and 4x will be 4 etc

How to solve equations


Algebra tiles

Bfs Brackets fractions sort divide. This is for when you have all four types you need to do them in this order or you won’t get the right answer. The most important step is the first one.


How to check if you are right:

Evaluate the left side of the equation then the right and see if they add up. If they don’t add up then you know you did something wrong.

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