Adaptive Technology Proposal

1. We Skyped Tim who has Huntington’s  disease. We Skyped Tim because he wants to know how we can help him make life easier for him. When I first saw him I thought he would be worse than he was. He wasn’t perfect. We had a bunch if questions for him to help him. He gave us some ideas to talk about to help him. He said that the biggest thing was the TV remote. He said that  there was too many buttons on the remote. So we came up with and idea to make the controller only a couple of buttons. He was with someone on the Skype chat. It was his daughter Nikola to help him here all of the questions we had. It was a very exciting and memorable experience. I enjoyed every second of it.

2. The idea that our group came up with was the TV remote with only a few buttons on it. We chose this one to focus on because he uses the TV so much that it would be a very useful thing to have. We were thinking to have a button for the power, a button for for the channels, a button for the volume and a button for the numbers on the remote. I think we could do a lot of it on our own but we might have some trouble putting it together. We could get somebody in power tech in our school is somebody how can do these types of things. We also came up with som other ideas like a pen holder which he could use to help him draw and a pen ball to help him write. We chose these things because he talked a lot about them in the Skype chat.

3. For my group to make the TV remote we would need an old tv remote with some new wiring. It doesn’t really say a lot about my topic other than some pictures. I think it would help if i knew how to wire the remote together. Also it would help if I knew how to draw because i could design the remote for Tim. You can also buy simple remotes online but i am not sure if they would work.

4. I think in my blog post I could work on my information about the TV remote. Although their wasn’t much information just a lot of pictures. Also I think I could work on my summary for the skype chat because I had to much information in it.