Explore The Fields

Explore the Fields
By: Markus Jack
My big question: How can understanding making television remotes help Tim with his everyday life?

What is Huntington’s disease?
Huntington’s disease is a hereditary illness with physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms. Huntington’s disease is caused by a mutation in the gene that makes the protein called Huntington. Huntington’s disease causes cells to manufacture a harmful protein called mutant Huntington. The mutant Huntington protein causes certain parts of the brain to die. As the brain cells die symptoms will appear in each of the three components physical, cognitive and emotional.

Why would a remote help someone with Huntington’s Disease?

A simplified remote would make it easier for someone with Huntington’s’ disease to watch television. This simplified remote control has large buttons and offers basic features making it quick and easy to use. This remote control is compatible with all new generation televisions. The Videotron remote would be a very good idea for Tim because it is simple and very affordable. I think this could really help Tim with watching Television and even with his everyday life because who doesn’t love watching TV for their entertainment. This remote can be found with more information and can be purchased on the website called Videotron. http://www.videotron.com/residential/television/terminals-and-accessories/remotes/simplified-remote

What is the difference between a Videotron remote and a regular remote?
The differences between the Videotron remote and a regular remote is the Videotron remote is more simplistic, easier to use, has less buttons, has larger buttons, less expensive and lighter to hold. Therefore, the Videotron remote would be a good choice to buy for someone with Huntington’s disease as it has so many positive benefits.I see Tim benefiting from using the Videotron remote over using a regular remote.

Is Videotron a good company to order from?
Here are some of the reviews from happy customers who were working with Videotron. Almost all of their reviews were positive and happy with their service they received. Below are quotes from three of the happy customers.
1. “Solid service, good customer support”
2. “Reasonably fast, reliable service”
3. “Stable, always online”

How do you wire a remote?
Once you purchase a Videortron remote you need to learn how to wire it to your television. Here is a video to show you how to wire and program your television remote.

To answer my big question: How can understanding making television remotes help Tim with his everyday life?

As you can see from the information above understanding how television remotes can help someone with Huntington’s disease, like Tim, with their everyday life. There are many benefits of purchasing and using a Videotron remote to help Tim watch television in his daily life. If you are thinking of getting a new remote, I suggest you get one from Videotron because they are inexpensive and very easy to use.

Information Fluency:
1. I found this project pretty easy to find information about. There was some really cool websites I found to help Tim with his everyday life.
2. In order to complete this project I had to find out some questions. 1. What is Huntington’s disease? 2. Why would a simplified remote help a person with Huntington’s disease? 3. What is the difference between a Videotron remote and a regular remote? 4. Is Videotron a good company to order from? 5. How do you wire a remote?.
3. I think I couldn’t of done better on this project because I took me along time to finish and I worked as hard as I could on this project.
4. I have evidence that my information is true because I have links on my project and videos to show my information is true.