Week 8 Blog Posts

This week in Math we had our unit 3 test on Factoring and The quadratic Formula. The start of the unit I found easy but once we got to completing the square I had to go home and get my parents to help me. The thing I found the hardest for this unit was completing the square. We have started doing a new unit. So far we have mainly just been plotting points and filling in T charts. This weekend I have been studying for my Mid Term on Tuesday. My mom as helped me study by writing me quizzes and finding more work for me to do.

The hardest thing I found on the test was completing the square. In this question here the first step you have to do is factor the 3 because its what’s common in the first number. Your first line would be 3(x2-4/3 x) +5. The next thing you have to do is 4/3×1/2=4/6=2/3.  You then get 2/3 squared which you have to square both numbers and you get 4/9 which is your final answer. These questions I found the hardest because I didn’t know how to start the question which is the most important part when doing these types of questions.


How to Complete the Square (with Pictures) - wikiHow

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