Staying Safe at Work

3 things I will do to stay safe at work:

1. Before I start to work I need to understand the risks and the outcome for what is happening. I have to know what to do in a emergency. I have to know the hazards an be able to work slowly and carefully.

2. While I am working and start to feel tired or sore I have to take regular breaks to prevent myself form getting injured. This is a very important one because you need to be able to know when your tired and sore so you don’t overdue something and you could severally hurt yourself or someone else.

3. Another important thing to notice is to make sure your sober while your working. This may feel like an easy one but many people get life threatening injuries’ because they were intoxicated or not sober.

3 things I will do to keep others safe at work

1. While I am working if I see others without the proper safety equipment I will remind them to wear the correct safety equipment.

2. If you are working and you see someone who needs assistance you need to take over and talk about the concerns they had with the machine. If you don’t talk about the concerns then someone else comes to work at the same machine they wont know that its running properly.

3. If you are a Manager or a boss at your compony you need to make sure that there is as little stress as possible for the workers. This one is huge and very important to understand. Many Managers and bosses don’t ever think about the risk from putting too much on the workers.

The workplace accident that stuck with me the most was the girl who lost 3 fingers. I remember this sad story because it was the most interesting to me and it stuck with me the most because it could’ve been easily preventable. This story was very sad and frustrating for the girl because the way she lost them is something you don’t think about. She lost her 3 fingers by putting her fingers in where she was making the dough and and they got stuck and ripped them off. In the movie there was a lot of blood which I don’t like. When I was watching it, it made me sad because for the rest of her life she would only have 2 fingers on her right hand. She said that for as long as she could she tried to hide her hand because she didn’t want people to make fun of her. After doing this assignment and watching these sad stories it makes me think how careful I need to be when I am working. If I don’t feel good one day or if I am tired I need to take the day off because I need the best safety for my Co Workers and myself. I need to double check that what I am doing is right and don’t take any risks and ask questions if you need it.