Power tech 10 robot arm review

Major Project Review / Reflection 



Each person is responsible for completing this activity on his or her own. The purpose of this activity is to allow you to reflect upon the planning and building process that you have just experienced over the past 8 weeks. This assignment will be graded based on the thought, maturity, and detail of the responses written.  


There are no wrong answers, only better ones, therefore I am interested in your personal interpretation of the following questions and statements. 




Part A 


For each of the following sections, you are to reflect upon 5 specific problems that you encountered and 5 specific solutions that you came up with to assist you at that particular juncture of the project. 


The sections are:            Research  –         Internet and other searches 

Design –         Drafting and design 

                    Materials –         List and acquisition of parts 

                    Construction –         Tools and equipment 

                    Construction –         Design and modifications 


The format that you choose to complete this section is up to you. An example may include: 





1 I did not do enough research 

2 When looking at the research I did have it was lacking important information on hobuild the arm. 

3 I had a general idea of what I was doing but it ended up being impossible to complete. 

4 The model I was building was missing important necessities of the criteria.  

5 I was finding it hard to do more research even though I knew it was necessary  


1 I learned that my lack of research made my idea impossible, so I scratched that idea and made a new arm 

2 I did not know what I was getting into with this arm and I needed to get to making a arm that is doable. 

3 Again I swapped the arm and made a easier and actually functional arm 

4 At first my arm could not turn so I put a base that can be turned with a syringe 

5 I was finding research way to boring so I went into the shop and made my ideas comne out while building the model. 



Part B 


This section asks you to account 5 specific things that you learned from your project planning and building experience. The items that you choose may be broad ranging but should reflect some new body of knowledge that you did not have in your “toolbox” before. Items may include specific “hands-on” skills, personal development, or something else that had meaning to you. 

 1 I learned that I can make quick adjustments on the go. 

2 I learned that I can learn what is wrong with the arm very quickly  

3 I was able to realize that I did not have to make the project flashy and It just had to work 

4 While working on this project I was able to learn from my mistakes of my first attempt at making the arm 

5 I learned from both my projects that sometimes I work better alone and It helped me a lot to just have my input to what I was working on 

Part C 


This may be the most difficult section for you but it is important that you complete it as honestly and fairly as you can. 


As I have mentioned from the start and reminded you all along, the focus of the project planning and building exercise was on the process not the outcome. What this means is that for evaluation purposes, the mark that you receive will be a reflection of how well you applied yourself each and every day towards your goal of completing your project. Therefore, it is not important that you may or may not have been able to put the finishing touches on your project.  


What is important is that:    –    you came to class each day ready and willing to work with the right attitude and materials that you needed 

you solved many of your own problems along the way 

you learned to work with other people 

you respected other people’s ideas and supported them 

you developed the ability to see farther than one day ahead and were able to plan events accordingly 



We have discussed several times some of the criteria that we agree describes an A, B, C+, C, C-, F student and there is a list in these criteria in the shop. 


Your task is to reflect upon your personal growth and effort over the past 8 weeks.  


You are to:    1 – assign yourself one of the letter grades noted above that reflects your performance over the entire 8 weeks 

    2 – justify your evaluation by stating not only the reasons why you feel this evaluation is appropriate, but also what it would have taken on your behalf to achieve a higher mark 


    3 – you are then asked to do the same as #1 and #2 for each of your partners in your group 




This review / reflection report is an important component of your evaluation for this course and should be taken seriously. It is your opportunity to reflect upon the process and ways in which you have been successful, and ways in which you can find improvement. 

2215 Reeve Street, Port Coquitlam, B.C. V3C 6K8 * Phone: (604) 941-6053   

Me – I think I should get a b because I was not that good at working in the group and being supportive of Graeme’s ideas because I did not know what he wanted me to do. After Graeme left I weas left with this half-finished project that I had no idea the plan he had for it. I decided to start from scratch and putting all my effort into getting this project done after Graeme left to go on his skiing trip. 

Graeme – I thinhe should get the same mark because he was working hard on the project that he envisioned but did not share many ideas with me, so it was hard to work with him. After he left, he was talking to me about ideas for the project that I sometimes used to add to the project. 


  Riverside Technology Education Group