September 2015 archive

Decimal Vs Fractions

Before doing the homework that was handed out on Monday, I would have said I prefer fractions over decimals, but after the homework, I realized that decimals are a lot easier to work with.

The first reason being, is that when I am asked to compare a fraction and a decimal, the easiest thing to do would be to divide the fraction’s numerator by the denominator and get a decimal, then I would be able to compare. Doing it the other way around could be a lot harder, and when you have two different denominators it could be a lot harder to find a common denominator and a lot harder to compare.

V for Vendetta

Inquiry Question: Is V more of a freedom fighter or a terrorist?

I think that V is more of a freedom fighter, even though he used questionable methods. Everything he did was to save the people and ultimately the country. In saying this, I still think he is a terrorist in some ways, but he is MORE OF a freedom fighter. This is what I see through my eyes, but if I were a part of the government, I would see things very differently. When V showed that video of  him promising to change the country, and the way it works, I would want him dead because I would know,(And the characters knew), that he was very capable of getting the country on his side. The film was particularly biased to show V as a freedom fighter, so that made a huge impact on my decision.

Math Auto-Biography

When I was in grade two, I struggled with math a lot and didn’t like it at all. I thought it was confusing and I just didn’t “get it”. I told my parents that  I was fine, but they quickly realized that I was in fact not fine, and they sent me to math tutoring.

Tutoring made a HUGE improvement in my math work and by grade three I didnt even have to use my fingers (which back then, was a huge achievement.) I loved adding and multiplication but I didn’t really like subtracting. And I LOVE long division.

Decimals, percents, fractions and ratios, are not too difficult for me but switching between them and turning a decimal into percent is one of my least favourite things to do in math.

My favourite thing to do in math is Algebra, I’m not sure why I like it so much but it is my favourite unit. My greatest math achievement is getting a 100% on my math test in grade 5.