How Neurons Conduct Signals

Neurons – there are three types of neurons; Internuerons, motor neuron and sensory.

  • Sensory neuron: The sensory neuron send messages from the parts of the body into the CNS. The sensory neuron has its cell body around the middle of the neuron and it looks like a big bulge. On the shorter side of neuron is the axon while on the other side there are the dendrite
  • Motor neuron: The motor neuron carries the message from the CNS back into your body. The motor neuron’s cell body is located at the end of the axon. The dendrites are located all around the cell body. At the other end of the axon are where the terminal bulbs are located.
  • Interneuron: Interneurons are created by your body to connect the motor and sensory neurons. The interneuron has its cell body located in the middle of the neuron. There is a short axon to one side with synaptic endings and on the other side are the dendrites.

Action Potential:

  • Depolarization – It is what causes membrane channels to open and let sodium in
  • Repolarization – Membrane channels open to let potassium out of the axon


  • Action Potential reaches axon terminal where it is processed by synaptical vesicles in the pre membrane and sent in neurotransmitters through the synapsis into the next dendrite terminal in the next neuron known as post membrane.



Function and structure

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