April 18th 2019 archive

Week 10- precalc 11

PreCalc 11

We did review for most of the week so this is one of the things i reviewed today.  so i revisited the idea of factoring polynomial expressions like we learned last year in grade 10, and like we learned in the previous units.

For example, when we started the practicing of factoring expressions I remembered that for the second number in the trinomial (abc: letter B) it was the sum of adding the two numbers together and the third number in the trinomial (abc: letter C) was the sum of the two numbers multiplied.
For example:
x2 + 7x + 10
I could go through the list of factors if 10 and then find 2 that add together to get the sum of 7.
you notice that 2+5 equals 10 so then you input those into the expression
(x + 2) (x + 5)