February 2019 archive

Week 4 – Pre calculus 11

This week in Pre calculus 11 we learned how to multiply and divide radical expressions.


For multiplying radical expressions we learned and revisited the idea of foil which means (first, outside, inside, last) and that’s the order that you multiply it by. Once you’ve done that you combine the like terms together and start to solve it.  I struggled with learning how to simplify the expression once I expanded it, to do that you need to figure out if it can be simplified anymore and if it can you can look for the common factors of it and simplify from there.

For example:


For division we learned how to conjugate an equation to solve it and how to multiply it by a fraction that is the same on the bottom and the top (so it’s multiplied by 1).

Conjugate means that you take the bottom numbers on the equation then put them on the top of a fraction with the same number and multiply the original by that.


for example


Week 3 in Precalc 11

This week in Precalc 11 we learned how to simplify radical expressions. We learned about how to write mixed radicals as an entire radical.

An example of this is that you would take a mixed radical and solve it to simplify it.

2 \sqrt[2]{7}

and then the next step is that you would add the 2 underneath it for example under the radical it would look like 2-2-7

then the second step would be to multiply it together which would be 28

so then 2 \sqrt[2]{7} would equal to \sqrt[2]{28}


I struggled a lot with the first day of learning how to solve to make it more simple, but once I worked on looking and breaking down what the equation was in my head it ended up being much easier, lately ive struggled with over complicating the questions in my head and then getting them wrong.

Week 2- Pre Calculus 11

This week in pre calculus 11 we learned the other half of our sequence and series, we introduced geometric sequences, we learned that each term is multiplied by a constant, known as the common ratio like in the past week with series it was called the common difference. Tn-1 means the term in front of Tn.


The equation for geometric sequences that we learned was:    and i learned that r could never equal 1


For me a trick that helped is instead of writing the a1 at the top of the formula i would replace it with t1 because for me looking at the equation it makes more sense because they mean the same thing, i also like to write the common ratio as: CR instead of r so it in my mind it doesn’t look like a variable for a number.


We also learned about finite geometric series which is different from geometric sequences for example


3,13,48,192: is a geometric sequence

3+12+48+192 is a geometric series

In some of the question to find the answers we had to go back to the week before and use the formulas that we learned from the past week using the equation for tn first and then using our new sn equation

Week 1- Precalculus 11

This week in pre calculus we re entered some past ideas of sequences and series and learned about arithmetic sequences.

One thing that i really struggled with this week was finding the starting equation that i needed to solve for what the question was asking me. I kept confusing in my head which equation i needed to do for finding either what N was or what the common difference was. I remembered learning that to find a term the equation was:


and to find the series the equation is:

Sn= n/2 (T1+Tn)

and now that I know which those starting equations you can make the equation specific that you need for example:

Tn= -16+ (-5) (9)

Tn= -16 – 45

Tn= -61


I found that once I broke down the equations it was much easier for me to continue to find the correct equations I needed to continue having a good working habit.