September 2017 archive

week 4 in math 10

this week I learned how to work with negative exponents and how to do question with radicals and exponents that are fractions and not whole numbers , we worked a lot with square rooting and using the exponent laws. We had to find the square root and cubed root of the numbers and how to change negative number to positive.

Where does one find beauty in the face of extreme conflict?

Where does one find beauty in the face of extreme conflict?

I think that you can find beauty in extreme conflict through helping others in a time of need and that the beauty is not a physical appearance of a human or the earth but on how others can help each other and come forgiving and of help at the end of an extreme conflict. You can see beauty through ones standing up against a greater power or fighting for what they think is right. Beauty is never lost.

A source that has answered this is hunger games.

week 3 in math 10

A lot of what we learned I learned last year and it was mainly about exponents and exponent laws for example:

multiplication law- add if the same base

division law- subtract if the same base

power of a power law- multiply them

zero law- equals 1


week 2 in math 10

\sqrt [6]{4}

I learned about prime factorization and prime numbers, I learned how division tables and factor trees can be used to break down numbers as much as they can be broken down. I learned square rooting and how fraction can be involved.

R= real numbers

Q=rational numbers

Q with a line= irrational numbers

W= whole numbers

N= natural numbers

What it means to be human….

Humans want to feel included

Humans persist in difficult situations

Humans need friends and family

Humans need hopes and dreams

Humans need to communicate

Humans need to understand others

Humans adapt to different environments (good and bad)

Humans seek new knowledge

Humans are greedy

Humans sometimes strive to be a better society

Humans can cause conflict for power, race, nationalism

Humans can be racist and/or prejudice



The Hunger Games is one of my favourite movies because it taught me that you shouldn’t give up even if there are tough loses and horrible experiences because in the end if you try your best you will succeed in what you are trying to accomplish. This book is about fighting against the power to succeed with ending the battle that was caused by choosing people to die for others entertainment in their “game” and in the end they pas a few challenges and loses but come victorious in the end.