What I have learned about Grade 9 Exponents

  • What is an exponent?

An exponent is a little number above it’s base  and it tells you how many copies you have to make of the base. You don’t multiply the exponent by the base, that will give you the wrong answer. You have to remember you are making copies and the exponent is the number telling you how many copies to make.


  • What is the difference between evaluating and simplifying?

The difference between evaluating and simplifying is that when you evaluate you get the answer, like the final answer. To evaluate you use the rules and make it easier to do and you dont end with a normal number its sort of an easier way to get the “answer”. It always you to leave it at a simpler answer.

  • Multiplication law and why it works

The multiplication law for exponents is that if the base is the same you add the exponents together, but if the bases aren’t the same there is no short cut or rule you just actually have to do the work.

  • Division law and why it works

The division law is that when both of the bases are the same you take the two exponents and subtract them. It is pretty similar to the multiplication rule except you subtract.

  • Power of a power law and why it works

The power law is that when there is two exponents and one number. You multiply the two exponents  together and that is your new exponent.

  • applications of exponents

An application of exponents could be when you are trying to find the length of the side of a triangle. Because you square the number and then you find what the side is.

  • one more thing you learned about exponents

I learnt about the copies thing, because I always used to think that you just multiplied the two numbers together.


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