Desmos Art Functions Card 2022

Desmos Project Link

(1) how you figured out what equations to use.
It was tough to identify which would fit at first and took a lot of trial and error. After a few tries, I was able to identify patterns in which equations helped to achieve specific shapes and angles.

(2) Did you have any challenges?
Having so many curving and odd-shaped parts made this project challenging, for a lot of sections I had to break it up into a lot of small lines to get a smooth cohesive look, zooming in far and changing my functions to far decimal places.

(3) Any aha moments?
Figuring out that I could have one file with all my functions to repeatedly transform and realized how important the order of my files is. Helped to shape my project significantly.

(4) Did you get help?
Got advice and feedback from peers, like the functions in one file tip, and the suggestion to use sliders to help get specific points (used for all the small circles on the umbrella)

(5) Did you use any strategies
Yes, I was able to use certain shapes and flip them to be continuously smooth. Or stretch them while keeping the origin (like in parabolas) the same so it looked seamless. Used a HEX code website to get my rgb codes exact to improve aesthetics.

(6) How did this assignment help you understand more about transformations of functions and relations?
It gave me a much stronger understanding of transformations and how they apply to the x vs. y. Also allowed me to get more familiar with desmos and comfortable graphing restrictions.

The Machine Stops Project

Here is my propaganda poster using CANVA….

In favor of the Machine

In my propaganda poster, my primary technique used was fear. The message, font, images and colour are all intentionally set up to instill fear if this were to be used within the context of the story. I think that fear is an extremly strong motivator which makes it very eff

Synthesis Composition of The Machine Stops and WALL-E

Dystopia exemplifies pre-existing issues in our society, this is clear in E.M. Forester’s story The Machine Stops. Although it was first published in 1909 it has futuristic features that bear an uncanny resemblance to objects and systems society has normalized today. The application of this story, written over 100 years ago, can be seen in current media with movies like WALL-E produced by Andrew Stanton. Both are set up as futuristic stories where society has completely changed, is seemingly far from where people are today, but the parallelism with the current state of the world is somewhat scary. In The Machine Stops, readers are introduced to a setting where humankind has isolated themselves from each other and are so removed from empathy and connection. This aligns with both WALL-E’s and today’s societal norms. In WALL-E, there is a lack of true interaction and connection, the humans interact over screens and seem to have superficial conversations which echo the blue screen communicators from The Machine Stops. Following that same thread, humanity nowadays relies so heavily on technology, social media, and their very own blue screens to stay in touch with one another. However, as Forester wrote, “[the blue screens] only gave a general idea of people…,” and they aren’t the same thing as truly connecting with another person. The Machine Stops seemed to prophesize this false impression or connection that the world now operates around. Creating detached experiences allows people to drift farther from reality and truth. The pursuit of comfort, ease, and convenience at the cost of humanity is clearly laid out in both of the previously mentioned stories. Forester speaks on this in the short story stating, “humanity, in its desire for comfort, had over-reached itself. It had exploited the riches of nature too far. Quietly and complacently, it was sinking into decadence, and progress had come to mean the progress of the Machine.” (p. 23) The same commentary is echoed in WALL-E with convenience being the center of their entire lives on the ship. The captain on the ship in WALL-E demonstrates how the progress of humankind has come to a screeching halt and how consumerism has become a focal point of their lives saying, “…I see the ship’s log is showing that today is the 700th anniversary of our five-year cruise. Well, I’m sure our forefathers would be proud to know that 700 years later we’d be… doing the exact same thing they were doing. So, be sure next mealtime to ask for your “Free Septuacentennial Cupcake In A Cup”!”. Today’s world is not so far from being tipped into a dystopian society with devices creating distance and divide. Capitalism has exponentially increased fast-paced unethical consumerism that one could infer the two stories fell victim to. Without change or improvement this non-fictional, real-world, might be next to fall down the same path filled with apathy and conformity. Now with Roe v. Wade being overturned and human rights being toyed with worldwide on top of all of this, dystopia may not be as far away as people may think.

Works Cited:

The Machine Stops, E.M. Forester

WALL-E, Andrew Stanton

Spoken Word – Representation in Media

Video (1)

Media and the model minority myth go hand in hand
Television is oversaturated with stereotypes
Movies capitalize on culture without representation
And social media feeds into the disgusting fetishization and objectification
Of east Asian women

There is a desperation for accurate representation
And despite all the privileges that my intersecting identities hold
The way east Asian women are portrayed
Negatively affects the way I’m perceived in the world

Oftentimes the media acts as a funhouse mirror
Exaggerating and extending
The features which once could have been seen for what they are
Now distorted and compressed
Into a neatly packaged, easy to consume, watered-down version of reality
A version that fuels the idea of docility
and perpetuates the harmful ideology

While things have progressed in the last decades
And representation has improved by leaps and bounds
There is still so much space for improvement
For one of the fastest-growing minorities in North America
So many stories remained untold or retold through the lens of whiteness

But representation aside
Presentation can have a ripple effect just a great
Media’s ability to villainize such a large group of people
Is a huge variable behind the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes

Misinformation paired with learned racism
Had led to the harm of an entire community
Fear and hate-driven antics are the source of chaos
And these same antics are sparked by consumption of dangerous media
Dangerous to me, to my family, friends, and peers

Media is harmful to so many minorities
And misrepresentation, false information, and the spread of detrimental ideology
Has been the root of so much pain
With these roots so deeply entrenched into western society
It feels daunting and impossible to remove
But making an effort to use your privilege to advocate for others
Is a step in the right direction

Summative Assignment – Free Speech and Media

Free Speech – Freedom At What Cost?

Obsession with individual freedom at the expense of others is the death of  compassion. Obsession with

Many people believe that freedom, at the cost of others’ freedom, isn’t freedom but privilege. Which brings about the question, how should free speech from private media outlets operate?

Censorship in media is not an easy topic to talk about. In Canada, there is both freedoms of press and speech laid out in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as legislation around hate speech and symbols. This overlap can create a gray area. In this piece of writing, two sides will be addressed: the idea of free speech at all costs and the moderation of media.

Free speech has been an important part of reporting and producing media content. If one party, or government, controlled what media was being consumed that would cause many negative ramifications. Without the ability to cross-reference and critical compare sources, people can be left with misinformation or filled with harmful ideas. Additionally, this 2016 Index article makes the point of saying that “freedom of expression is a fundamental human right. It reinforces all other human rights, allowing society to develop and progress”, indicating that the ‘right’ of free speech lays a foundation for growth and strengthens preestablished rights. The idea of freedom of speech above all else can be justified by saying that every voice deserves to be heard, even ones that others may not agree with. Private companies may have the moral obligation to allow controversial content to be produced and not enforce their biases via mediation, because without opposition how can there be democracy?

On the other hand, private companies may be held to a moral standard to protect others from hate speech and dangerous misinformation. Should people be allowed to spread hateful ideology and incite violence, prejudice and discrimination against each other and especially minority groups? This Harvard Review article doesn’t think so, they think “self-regulation may be the key to avoiding a potential tragedy…” and “that companies have often risked creating a “tragedy of the commons” when they put their short-term, individual self-interests ahead of the good of the consuming public”. This quote dives into the power these private platforms hold, and also how they tend to be self-serving and place profit over humanity. It also uses the term self-regulation, which is key here. If individual companies are not going to filter and self-regulate harmful and bigoted content it can lead to harm, which many people saw with COVID-19 misinformation that circulated the internet. So, this brings forth the question, how can people function in an online space that will allow hate speech, dangerous misinformation and damaging content without regulation?

They can’t. Functioning in this space is dangerous. While the internet is a vast place that provides so much good, it also holds a plethora of harm. As an individual, people have the responsibility to consume media critically, but as we’ve seen time and time again that doesn’t always happen. Additionally, fake news and misinformation is getting harder to spot and can harm not only a single individual but multiple people in the individual’s circle to who that information is then shared or who the individual influences. On top of this, hate speech on platforms does the same thing with the chain of influence. As written in an Issues – Leaf Canada article; hate speech “[has] a profound negative effect on the individual’s sense of self-worth, dignity, and safety that form the foundation of their freedom to participate fully in democratic society”, once again coming back to the idea of freedom at the expense of others rights and freedoms. If people can not interact on the internet with their Charter rights intact, all to protect freedom of speech, then is that not inadvertently implying that those not affected by hate speech are of lesser value?

There is so much uncertainty, unknown variables and confusion around freedom of speech. It is definitely not a black and white topic. The one thing that people can control is their own actions. Being proactively critical in media consumption and holding others accountable is a step in the right direction. One could suppose it comes down to what exactly is the right direction? Ethically, morally and objectively what is best? Should society be more adamant about media moderation or allow for completely free speech? Which is less imperfect?