Skype Chat with Tanya Harrison

Tanya Harrison is a planetary scientist and a photographer. My class and I had the honor of skyping with her and asking her questions about mars, space, photography etc.

here is a link to her website:

Our Skype chat was only on air for about 3 minutes due to some audio difficulties.


Question: How do the rovers move?

Answer: the rovers are controlled by people who send them commands from computers. Since Mars is very far away from us, there is always about a 40 minute delay between the commands and the rovers actions. The delay would vary in time depending on how far away Mars is from Earth. the rover moves at about 0.14km/h. Workers’ call time depends on what time it is on Mars. Since Mars time is only 12 hours in one day, workers might have to be at work in the middle of the night so that they can control the rovers on time.

Aside from learning how rovers function, we were also one of the first people to find out that they found solid evidence of water being on Mars. Check it out in the brief 3 minutes our Skype chat was on air:

Modeling Mitosis

Interphase: the chromosomes before they are duplicated


Mitosis: prophase- replicated DNA molecules join together to form sister chromatinsimage


Pink strings: Spindle fibres



Nucleus is gone


Metaphase: chromosomes line up in he middle


Anaphase: sister chromatins sperwte and repel to opposite sides of the cell


Telophase: spindle fibres disappear


Two nuclear membranes form


Cytokinesis: the cell divides into two



Google Hangout

imageTWe talked to Karishma Bhagani and Fran Siracusa. Karishma Bhagani is a student at NYU who had an idea to make a water purifier. She used to live in Kenya and so she knows what it’s like to live in poverty. The water purifier costs $10 and its purpose is to provide clean drinking water for places in the world that don’t have that. I think it’s very good that Karishma is helping people around the world and putting an end to one of the world’s problems.

some questions I have:

how is it different from other water purifiers?

how do you plan to deliver the water purifiers around the world?

How does it work?

How do you plan to get the supplies?

From this Google Hangout I learned that if you work hard for what you want, you can change the world and make a difference. I also learned that a lot of people don’t pay attention to countries in poverty. Furthermore, I learned that you can use natural ingredients to purify water.

Some questions that were answered (paraphrasing):

Q: How did you feel when you were done creating the project?

A: On top of the world!

Q: Is it possible to use salt water from the ocean?

A: Salt water is full of saline so not at the moment but hopefully in the future.


Measuring Current Lab

small bulb: 0mA

gold bulb: 2mA


silver bulb: 0mA

tall bulb: 0.5mA


which circuit had the largest current?

The gold bulb

Which circuit had the smallest current?

The small bulb and the silver bulb both didn’t do anything

What is the purpose of the switch in this circuit?

The switch permits the current to continue to the bulb when it’s on and its doesn’t when it’s off.

When you measure an unknown current, you start with the meter set to a large current scale and then decrease the scale. Explain the purpose of starting with a higher setting.

The purpose is to increase the chances of the bulb lighting up.

Currents from the Kitchen Results

No fruits or vegetables lit up the bulb


Kiwi: -1


Carrot: +2.5


Carrot: did not light up the bulb


Potato: +1


Orange: -1



We put the nail and copper in already existing holed in the fruits.

we didn’t try switching the cords.

we weren’t sure if the light bulbs even worked.

the alligator clips didn’t fully close and sometimes slipped off.


What kind of circuit will produce electrons flow in your fruit/vegetable  cell? 

A series circuit.

If your bulb doesn’t glow, how can you find out if electrons are flowing?

You can see electrons are flowing if your voltmeter moves

If your bulb doesn’t glow, why not?

There is not enough power and electrons aren’t glowing

How can we modify out experiment to improve our results?

Make sure your cords are correctly plugged

What is causing electrons to flow in this experiment?

The cords

How can I use this in my everyday life?

When the power goes out, you can turn on a light bulb.