Confederation Reflection

1. What colony did you represent?

province of Canada

2. What did you feel were the biggest or most important issue for your colony?

representation by population

3. What strategy did your group come up with to deal with those issues?

our strategy was to deal with what was approved and move on

4.  Did you have any concessions during the negotiation phase? If so what agreements or concessions did you come up with?

western expansion and representation by population was not passed for us

5. We’re you happy with the outcome of the confederation debates?

no because representation by delegation won which is not what we were hoping for

6. What is one thing you wish had happened differently with the final results and why?

representation by population since we have a high population which we need to have the right to vote for government

Float Your Boat

1. State the problem of this experiment:

How many pennies can a boat made of tinfoil, 2 wooden sticks, 1 straw and about 6 inches of tape hold?

2. State your hypothesis for this experiment:

The boat will probably sink after 50 pennies

3. How many pennies did your boat hold?

Our boat held 123 pennies before it sank to the bottom of the tank

4. What was your thinking/reasoning behind the design of your boat?

We were trying to make our tinfoil stronger by folding it in half and we secured the corners of our boat with tape and the sticks in the middle to add strength.

5. What would you keep/change on your boat design if you were to do this again?

I wouldn’t have folded the tinfoil in half to have more surface area and space for more pennies. But I think securing the corners was a good idea.


Progress is sometimes a good thing.

Is progress in technology a good or bad thing? Kevin Kelly says if we use it right then good things will come out of it but there’s also a wrong way of using it which can cause damage to our world. Technology has served the world in so many ways. Humans are more hygienic than we would be if we didn’t have technology from things like toothbrushes to showers. Humans have also found so many cures to so many diseases which has expanded our life duration. Those are some of the good things about technology but there’s a dark side. iPhones weren’t created with a bad intention, but I think that they have affected our world in a negative way. I think now more than ever social media is incredibly popular and people have become so anti social by using those platforms because they are obsessed with likes and followers. So is progress in technology a good or bad thing? I agree with Kevin Kelly that there are goods and bads although I don’t think it’s controllable. Cars weren’t invented with the intention of pollution. Kevin compared technology to a child. He says if you raise it the right way it’ll turn out right. But what is “the right way”? Some parents spoil their children thinking they’re doing it right but then their child becomes selfish. Some parents are incredibly strict thinking that their children will turn out “right” but in reality their children are sneaking out and partying. I think technology is the same. With every good intention, there will be a negative consequence. Which I think makes progress a neutral thing.

What I Learned in Math- Polynomial

How to FOIL

F – first term in each bracket

O – outside terms

I – inside terms

L – last term



= a^2 +2ab b^2

In this example, the a from the first bracket is multiplied by the a in the second bracket, then the a in the first bracket is multiplied by the b in the second bracket. After that the b in the first bracket is multiplied by the a in the second bracket and lastly the b in the first bracket is multiplied by the b in the second bracket. This method can be used for any multiplying of two binomials.