Currents from the Kitchen Results

No fruits or vegetables lit up the bulb


Kiwi: -1


Carrot: +2.5


Carrot: did not light up the bulb


Potato: +1


Orange: -1



We put the nail and copper in already existing holed in the fruits.

we didn’t try switching the cords.

we weren’t sure if the light bulbs even worked.

the alligator clips didn’t fully close and sometimes slipped off.


What kind of circuit will produce electrons flow in your fruit/vegetable  cell? 

A series circuit.

If your bulb doesn’t glow, how can you find out if electrons are flowing?

You can see electrons are flowing if your voltmeter moves

If your bulb doesn’t glow, why not?

There is not enough power and electrons aren’t glowing

How can we modify out experiment to improve our results?

Make sure your cords are correctly plugged

What is causing electrons to flow in this experiment?

The cords

How can I use this in my everyday life?

When the power goes out, you can turn on a light bulb.