HCE 9 – English Assignment

“Birds on a Wire,” created by Banksy Courtesy of The BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-essex-29446232 (political painting) 

The above painting is not showing a connection to collaboration and inclusivity. In a way it is conveying a message to the audience by making the one bird small and green and unlike the others. They made the others all black to show that as a collaboration they are making a difference but if it, for example, was only one or two birds it wouldn’t make much of a difference. If you look at the bird in the back, for example, he doesn’t even look like he cares. He looks like he was forced into it, but him still being there is causing the group to be bigger and more powerful. They are not showing inclusivity by leaving the one bird out. The message I think is being conveyed through birds is that there are locals, and they don’t like outsiders so immigrants coming from different places since they are stealing their worms which could represent jobs or resources from a human perspective. All in all, this image is not representing inclusion and diversity since this is the general attitude that immigrants face when they come to a diverse country since they are scared that they would in the bird’s case “would eat their lunch”. 

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