September 23

Digital Footprint



  Your digital footprint can affect your future opportunities because if you are applying for a college, university, club, team, volunteering opportunity or anything else in those categories and they are looking to learn more about your personality or life outside of work they will automatically go to your social media. If they see any negative activity they pass by your name and choose someone else. There are lots of ways to avoid being negative online, here are a few strategies to make sure you are always positive and have a positive digital footprint. My first strategy is to make sure you thoroughly think through everything you do on the internet. Even If you think one ‘like’ on Instagram cannot affect you, it can, and it will. You have to make sure that you are proud of every story, post, snap, ‘like’ and even comment.


Ask yourself if it is necessary and would you be proud to show a grandparent or teacher what you are posting and commenting every day. My last strategy is making sure you are always careful.


Lots of things on the internet seem to be one thing then actually turn out to be another. You just need to stay aware and careful of what you are doing at all times whenever you are on the internet. The final question asked us what we learned from watching the videos,  I learned two things, make good decisions because you are being watched at every moment of every day. From when we our babies until we are lying on our deathbed. Also, that it’s a good idea to turn off your location services because your phone company knows your whereabouts every second of every day. I think it would be cool if we made an Instagram account to spread good ways to have a positive digital footprint till the day you die.

Photo 1 : Pexels “Person Holding Silver Android Smartphone” by MOHI SYED

Photo 2 : Pexels “Woman Walking in Beach” by Pixabay

Photo 3 : Pexels “Close-up Photography of Smartphone Icons” by Pixabay

Photo 4 : Pexels “Person Eye” by Victor Freitas