ADL Mercury Project








1) What questions did you need to research in order to create your Sway?

Some of the questions I had to research were When was Mercury dicovered?, Who discovered Mercury?, What is the boiling and melting point of Mercury and Is Mercury’s melting and boiling point considered low?.


2) What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use through this project?

For this project I discovered a few new soures/sites for both images and information such as, Pixabay, Gale search and pexels.


3) What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

The process I followed was aquire, analyze,apply and then create. First I aquired the information and the answers to my questions then I when over my research and organized my notes. then I applied my research to my Sway and created my Sway.


4) How did you verify the information and cite the information you found?


I verified the information I found by going to different sites and seeing if the information matched/ added up. Then I went to the first site and cited that one. I cited my information my using a citation cite I cannot find the name of it.


5) How did the process of completing this project go? What could you have done better?


I think this process went very well something I could’ve done better was maybe including bonus information.


One thought on “ADL Mercury Project

  1. Excellent information fluency post. I really like how you have found some great sub-questions to lead you to get a well-rounded perspective on mercury. You have done a great job sharing the digital tools you used and citing your sources. Your debrief could have a few more details on what you did well for your product and process but does consider areas of improvement. Great work embedding your Sway into your post!

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