Madelaine's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio


3 Paragraph Article Analysis Post

CBC Article

Our lives our filled with social media nowadays, it’s been ingrained into our everyday lives. Along with the increase of the use of social media comes a time where advertisement is a large industry as is cyberbullying, fake news and luring. In this article it tells about the Alberta politics and the fake account fiasco. It is someone with strong opinions and thought surrounding the politics but instead of using their identity, they use stock images off the internet. Many people use social media negatively, luring children, cyberbullying, so does using a fake identity count? Unless they fully use someone else’s identity, I don’t consider this a major issue. With all these ‘fake people’ we need to be on the lookout for them, do not trust too easily, if you don’t really know this person then do not accept their friend or follow request, don’t add them back. If they are trying to talk to you and they seem to have suspicious intentions, do be caution and block them if necessary. We may think we know someone by simply their username or their name on their profile but it’s always good to stay alert and be cautious.

Global News Article

Throughout social media you are bound to come across fake news more then once. Postings about fake people going missing, fake events occurring, fake deaths and more. Then again not every post is fake but there are many that are false. A lot of these faux posts up after a large disaster such as a terrorist attack, this article used the Manchester Ariana Grande Bombing, the real reason behind these fake posts remains unknown. These online trolls use photos from online, sometimes specifically targeting people such as YouTube personalities, journalists and more. The trolls would often describe their missing person as a close relative, a sibling, parent or child. The best way to get rid of these trolls is to not repost as it could cause the real people with missing loved ones even more distraught. We soak up all the things we read on our feed so sometimes we need to just stop and ask ourselves to asses it. As a consumer we need to carefully look at what we are given and don’t necessarily have to believe everything on social media or even the news.

BBC Article

The media is a great platform to share news, information and pictures, but not everything we come across is true. We hear fake news of celebrities dying, fake information on political matters and many of us buy it. Our information is getting messed up and confuse, news about the present and in the past has become hazy, do we really know the real stories anymore? This explosion of fake information spreads around and once we come across these posts we often think it is true, we don’t stop to question what it says. Even though people may have been exposed to the truth, a study has shown that people are still more likely to believe the false story over the truth. When we search something up on google, Bing, etc. we are shown ‘top websites’, they are websites that paid google to put their site up first from the search results. Does anyone even go on to the second page of search results? Do we check for reliability and validity in our sources? We need to have a skillset in place, so we can check websites, check their sources properly and find the correct information. If we don’t take action now, important information could be loss and be mixed up forever. A rising generation could be learning the wrong facts about history and the present.

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