Power Influency Project

Part 1:

Dear Justin Trudeau

My name is Maddex Marshall and I am a grade 9 at Riverside Secondary in British Columbia, Canada. I have been doing research on electricity for my science 9 class and I wanted to share my findings with you. The goal for this was to find a clean and renewable alternative energy source and I have found it. Solar energy is a renewable energy source that creates no pollution and is great for the environment. It can be pretty expensive as the average for the solar panels is about $2.60 per watt but the benefits outweigh the costs and is worth the price. These solar panels can last anywhere between 25 and 30 years or more and create no green house gases. You can even have electricity at night because the solar panels tend to produce extra electricity in the day so you can have power at night. It also reduces your electricity bill over time so you tend to save money with solar power and because it only needs sunlight, if the power goes out you still have electricity and everything will still function.


Black and Silver Solar Panels

Source: Pexels

Solar panels are a clean and renewable alternative energy source that turns sunlight into power and is cost effective. The panels can be a bit expensive up front with some being $20,000 but you save money over time because it reduces your electricity bill and lasts for 25-30 years. If the Canadian government were to build a solar panel plant, it may cost a lot and taxes may go higher but in the long run it’s worth it because climate change is a big problem that we are facing. They are great for the environment as they produce very little emissions (3x-25x less generating the same amount of power as fossil fuels). Solar panels create extra power during the day so we have power at night and also during power outages. Solar panel efficiency is measured by the panels ability to convert sunlight into usable energy. If 2 panels get the same amount of sunlight and 1 produces more than the other, it has a higher efficiency. The average efficiency is about 15-20% but some of the better ones like LG and Sunpower have an efficiency of 22% and are very durable. Another great thing about them is that they create more power which proves that they are better than fossil fuels because they save money, eco friendly and create more power.



Part 2:

1)      What questions did you need to ask in order to research your topic?

The questions I used to research my topic were…

How efficient is Solar Power?
How long do Solar Panels last?
How much do Solar panels cost?
Are solar panels the superior choice for alternate electricity?
How often do solar panels need to be maintained?
What are some negatives about solar panels?
What companies can I buy reliable solar panels from?

2)      What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

I used google for most of my research because I am familiar with it but I also tried using library sources which was new to me and it was fun experience learning to use it as I go. I checked my answers with multiple sources to be sure the information I was getting was credible. I also tried pexels for the first time so that I could site my photos.

3)      What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

The first thing I did was research which alternative energy source was the best and which to me was solar energy, a topic I am familiar with as I have learned about it before. The next step was to brainstorm a variety of questions to help me find the answer to the purpose of this assignment. I then used a word document to write everything I found that I thought was important and to help me cite my sources. After, I tried to think of more questions for more information to add to what I have already researched and to help me add more on my original thoughts. Along the way, I used the criteria sheet to ensure I was getting enough information for a extending.

4)      How did you verify and cite the information you found?

I used multiple sources for my answer and used the library resources as I knew it was credible information.  I tried to use past knowledge to help me verify if what I was reading was true and I used websites of companies in that field of work.

5)      How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

One thing is that I wish I had asked more questions so I could have given better answers and elaborate on my thoughts but it was fun researching everything about solar panels and learning new things

Aggarwal, Vikram, and John. “Solar Panel Efficiency: What Panels Are Most Efficient?: EnergySage.” Solar News, 18 Feb. 2020, news.energysage.com/what-are-the-most-efficient-solar-panels-on-the-market/.

“Cost of Solar Power In Canada (Complete Guide 2020).” Energyhub.org, Rylan @ Energyhub.org, 12 May 2020, www.energyhub.org/cost-solar-power-canada/.

ProspectSolar, Written by. “What Happens to Solar Energy If My Power Goes Out?” Prospect Solar, 13 Mar. 2018, www.prospectsolar.com/happens-solar-energy-power-goes/#:~:text=Solar%20energy%20is%20powered%20by%20solar%20panels.&text=Therefore%2C%20solar%20panels%20cannot%20serve,repairmen%20working%20to%20restore%20power.

Sunrun. “How Long Do Solar Panels Really Last?” Sunrun, Sunrun, 21 Aug. 2019, www.sunrun.com/go-solar-center/solar-articles/how-long-do-solar-panels-really-last#:~:text=The%20Life%20Expectancy%20of%20Solar%20Panels&text=To%20put%20your%20mind%20at,30%20years%20%E2%80%94%20or%20sometimes%20more.&text=However%2C%20this%20doesn’t%20mean,after%20a%20couple%20of%20decades.

Current Electricity Demo

In this screenshot I have made 4 electric currents, a parallel circuit which has two or more paths for current to flow through, a series circuit which has multiple paths which current can flow through with an equal amount of voltage to each component, a short circuit which is a current with little resistance against the current and this is dangerous because it can cause a large amount of heat to be released. The last circuit I made was a demonstration of ohm’s law V=IR, it was 10V=.48a x 20 Ohms


Yes, getting shocked with a higher voltage is harmless.