Cancer Story – COL

Cancer Story Part One: I am a retnioblast, a type of cell that divides and eventually fills the retina. My host Ethan was in the womb; I was very excited because he was about to reach the time where I would turn into a mature retinal cell and stop dividing. Although I never turned into […]

DNA – Edible Model – Lab

How are chromosomes, DNA, and genes related to one another (you will need to research this) DNA is the molecule that hold all of our genetic information. DNA resembles a ladder; the two strands are called chromosomes. Each cell of your body contains two copies of each chromosomes. Chromosomes also carry genes; genes are segments […]

Observing Cells – Lab

1. How can you tell plant cells and animal cells apart (if you only see them under the microscope)?  a) Animal cells resemble round, blotchy like shapes. When observing a animal cell underneath the 400X power, I was able to see the nucleus, cell membrane and the cytoplasm. b) Plant cells resemble more block like shapes. […]