Agar Cube Lab

The smallest cube was the most effective when it came to maximizing diffusion.

This cube was the most effective because it had the smallest volume. The smaller the volume of the cube, the solution Has less surface area in which it has to travel. This allows for maximum diffusion. The larger the surface area to volume ratio, the more likely to diffuse at a maximum level it will be.

This suggests that the surface area of the cells must be very large, which would normally result in a large volume. However, a large volume means that more solution has to seep through the cell in order for the cell to be fully diffused. It would suit much better if a cube has a smaller volume. This is because there is less cell to be defused compared to a bigger volume in which the reaction has to happen at the same rate. It is similar to comparing it to someone running a race. If 1 person is running 100 meters and the other is running 1000 meters, (assuming they are running at the same speed) the one running more distance will require more time to finish the race.

Cube C will be most effective at maximizing diffusion because of the larger surface area to volume ratio. The high surface area number means that there is more “space” for the solution to enter the cube, and the low volume number means that there is less internal space within the cube for the solution to fully immerse in. We can see this with the bottom cube in the image, which has turned almost entirely pink as opposed to the top cube which still has a large portion in the center that did not turn pink.

In order for a cell to properly function, there must be a high surface area to volume ratio that allows adequate entering/exiting of gases. This can only happen at certain high SAV ratios, so as the cell grows, the SAV ratio decreases, which results in gas exchange being reduced. Ultimately, the cell loses its ability to function.

As mentioned above, a cell can only properly function when a high SAV ratio is maintained. When a cell is as large as a small fish, the SAV ratio will not be high enough. This will result in the cell undergoing cell division in order to maintain a high SAV ratio. Therefore, bacteria, which are prokaryotes (single-celled organisms) must be small to maintain a high SAV ratio.

Large organisms need their entire body to be composed of cells, and if the organism is unicellular, that will result in a huge cell that has a tremendously low SAV ratio. To eliminate this problem, the organisms are multicellular with tiny cells that lead to higher SAV ratios. Furthermore, these organisms have developed features that allow them to speed up and aid the movement of materials in and out of the organism and the cells. These features include gas exchange organs (our lungs) and our circulatory system (our blood).

Persuasive essay corrections – English 11 – Block D – Luka Mladenovic


I could have improved on…

  1. Going deeper and providing much more argument. It was there, but it wasn’t enough.
  2. Providing more research – using more evidence and sources helps my ideas to be more convincing and more trusted by others who would potentially oppose it in the first place.

I did well on…

  1. Keeping it structured – I stuck with the system and it ended up being an essay that was fairly easy to read. All the parts were identifiable by the reader.

The photo included below is Simon from the book “The Lord of the flies” and in my eyes, he represents the one who leads with love in the book.

Here is the document with the grammar mistakes corrected.

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What Darwin Never Knew Question – Biology 11 – Luka Mladenovic

How did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct and how does it change the way we view evolution today and into the future?

The DNA proved that Darwin’s theory was correct because Darwin knew THAT the process of selection was happening, but didn’t know how. Once scientists tested human DNA and compared it to other species, they found that almost all the strands were the same, except for a few. Those few strands that differed were the mutations that lead to the expansion of the brain, walking on only 2 legs, etc. Now that we have DNA proof, the idea is much more widely accepted and can only make us wonder what kind of new species might form from other current animals in our lifetime and further on in the future.

6 kingdoms organisms assignment – Luka Mladenovic

  1. Archaebacteria
    1. Crenarchaeota 
    2. Euryarchaeota

These 2 are unique because, in Archaebacteria,  The microbes are prokaryotes, meaning they have no cell nucleus. Archaeal cells have unique properties separating them from the other two, Bacteria and Eukarya.

  1. Eubacteria
    1. Blue green bacteria
    2. Spirochaetae

These organisms are unique because Eubacteria/bacteria are prokaryotes. Prokaryotes are organisms that lack a nucleus and other cell parts and are less complex organisms. Eubacteria/bacteria also possess cell walls made of peptidoglycan, a chemical that gives their cell wall added strength.

  1. Protists
    1. Marimo
    2. Forams

These organisms are unique because protists are eukaryotes, which means their cells have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Most, but not all, protists are single-celled.

  1. Fungi
    1. Sac fungi
    2. Basidiomycetes

These organisms are unique because of a chitin in their cell walls. Similar to animals, fungi are heterotrophs; they acquire their food by absorbing dissolved molecules, typically by secreting digestive enzymes into their environment.

  1. Animalia
    1. Box jellyfish
    2. Medusozoa (Jellyfish)

These organisms are unique because they are heterotrophic, which means they have to get their own food. Plants are autotrophic because they make their own food through photosynthesis. Because they cannot make their own food, members of the Animalia Kingdom must ingest, or eat, other organisms.

  1. Plantae
    1. Flowering plant
    2. Conifers

These organisms are unique because plants make their own food through a process called photosynthesis where the plant takes carbon dioxide gas, water, and light and transforms these three ingredients into sugar and oxygen. … Most plants are multicellular, meaning they are made up of more than one cell.


Marimo Moss Ball Aquarium Ornament

What Are Conifers: Growing Conifers In The Garden Landscape


Luka Mladenovic – Narrative Essay

The document would not embed into this post, So I had to take screenshots of them and put it in here. All of the correction advice you gave me was tried to be imputed into this correction page of my narrative.

                     Page #1

                   Page #2                Page #3

“Show not tell”

“Start a new paragraph when there is a new dialogue”

“Don’t repeat the same words”

“Don’t make the dialogue awkward’

I tried my best to make the changes.


Luka Mladenovic

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