Principles of flight – Luka Mladenovic

Part 1 – Tumbler glider

Bernoulli’s principle:

Bernoulli’s principle, physical principle formulated by Daniel Bernoulli that states that as the speed of a moving fluid (liquid or gas) increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases. … Since the speed is greater in the narrower pipe, the kinetic energy of that volume is greater

(When the velocity of a fluid is high, the pressure is low, when the velocity of a fluid is low, the pressure is high.)

Video of test flight:

Question and Answer of Rocket simulation

1.What was your maximum height and speed?
What was the Mass, Thrust and Thrust time on your high score?

Maximum height: 229039 m

Maximum speed: 2397 m/s

Mass: 2kg

Thrust: 380N

Thrust time: 30 s

2.Why does the rocket fling around the moon/Earth?
What is an orbit?

First Reason: It is because the rocket is very rarely in the right position when launch to start an interplanetary flight. Also, it has to be in the right season, so that when the rocket goes out to orbit it ends up headed the right direction when it leaves Earth.

Second Reason: The rocket has to use gravity assist to gain enough speed to travel to destination. The rocket first goes into a highly elliptical orbit, and uses specially timed short burns to achieve an acceleration due to Earth’s gravity and motion around the sun. Especially the motion of the Earth relative to the sun will help it to get faster speed to the destination.

An orbit is a regular, repeating path that one object in space takes around another one

3.What is the co-efficient of drag?

The drag coefficient is a common measure in automotive design as it pertains to aerodynamics. Drag is a force that acts parallel and in the same direction as the airflow.

4.What was your highest score?
What was the settings of your highest score?

Altitude:270.4 m

Velocity: 44.7

Flight Time: 8.2 s

Settings of highest

Part 2

1. Draw a path of trajectory of your rocket

2. Which force is acting on the rocket at the moment of launch? (use arrows to indicate direction)

3. As the rocket was half-way up, which force(s) is/are acting on the rocket? (use arrows)

Weight(mass), Lift, drag and thrust.
4. As the rocket begins to veer into another direction, which force is acting on the rocket? Explain why this is happening.

Weight force is acting on the rocket, it is because the force of the gravity is larger then the thrust force, so it will be going down to the ground.
5. Did some rockets work better than others? How does the shape of the nose and fin effect the trajectory of the rocket? Explain in terms of the four forces that act on a rocket ship.

The different shape of a nose cone can really affect the trajectory and flight of the rocket. And aerodynamic nose can lower the drag from the air, and a fin can stable the flight of a rocket and the lift force can increase.

Part 3 – Bottle Rocket Defenitions

acceleration: How fast an obeject moves in a certian period of time.

center of drag: its the point on an object where the most drag is being produced.

center of mass: It’s the point in an object where it can be balanced. So the balance point.

drag (physics):It’s the aerodynamic force that opposes the flight of the aircraft in the air

inertia: When an object has a tendancy not to move or change.

mass: A mesure of how nuch something weighs.

momentum: The strengh or force something has when it is moving.

pressure: The amount of force being produced when something is being pushed on something else.

velocity: The speed of an object plus it’s direction.

1. How did the height you estimated your rocket would reach compare with the actual estimated height?

I estimated it would fly 150 feet. It went around 100.
2. What do you think might have caused any differences in the height you achieved?

More weight in the front of the rocket. Better parachute design.
3. Did your rocket launch straight up? If not, why do you think it veered off course?

It did. The wings were semetrical so it went straight up. and the nose cone was straight as well
4. Do you think that this activity was more rewarding to do as a team, or would you have preferred to work alone on it? Why?

I think as a team, because we could discuss designs more and the end result would be better most likely
5. Did you adjust your model rocket at all? How? Do you think this helped or hindered your results?

Not really, I made it the same as how I drew it on paper and it looked alike.

6. How do you think the rocket would have behaved differently if it were launched in a weightless atmosphere?

It would probably soar much higher because there is no drag or resistance being performed on the plane
7. What safety measures do you think engineers consider when launching a real rocket?

Potential crash, the heat inside not affecting the people inside, room for the people and cargo inside, and feeling comfortable inside the rocket during flight.
Consider the location of most launch sites as part of your answer.
8. When engineers are designing a rocket which will carry people in addition to cargo, how do you think the rocket will change in terms of structural design, functionality, and features?

The have to make the inside so it doesn’t shake, so it doesn’t heat up inside, and so the materials inside aren’t being thrown around everywhere.
9. Do you think rocket designs will change a great deal over the next ten years? How?

So you can actually fly to the moon and fly to space for fun, and you can pay to go visit. Rockets will get faster and bigger and lighter and smarter.
10. What tradeoffs do engineers have to make when considering the space/weight of fuel vs. the weight of cargo?

If there is more weight and cargo in the rocket, more fuel will be used. Therefore more fuel space and a stronger and more efficient fuel method

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