Lit Circle: Son of a Trickster

  1. What is life like for the First People’s living on a reserve? 
  • Lack of access to resources 
  • Clean water? 
  • Lack of access to public services 
  • Doctors, schools, counsellors, etc. 
  • When comparing wages of First peoples living on and off-reserve, The median for on reserve was $29,000 where off-reserve was $37,500.  
  • Living under poverty   
  • Higher rate of unemployment on reserves, a lower percentage of residents have post-secondary education. 



2. Who is the Raven in First People’s culture and why is the Raven important? 



  •   Raven was the most popular crest figure 

           –  A guardian spirit  

          – Raven appears in various versions of creation myth stories. (  



Interactive Poem


Persuasive Video

Images from: 


Data from:



Social media is a website, service, or app where people interact with each other by talking to them or just simply sharing information. It’s the simplest way to connect people since it can be found in every smartphone with access to the internet.

People argue if it’s a good or bad invention of the 21st Century since some people end up using it for other purposes other than making your life easier, but social media is more helpful than harmful.

Social media connects people who are distant from each other for whatever reason, for example, a father who is working in Japan can talk to his family in Vancouver by simply video calling them. Or this girl had to move to Italy for university and she can talk to her boyfriend in the Philippines at any time by just texting or calling him. Social media also allows people to make new friends and improve their relationships. When once you had to send a telegram, or send a letter that would take days, even weeks to get to that person you want to talk to. 93% of adults on Facebook use it to connect with family members, 91% use it to connect with current friends, and 87% use it to connect with friends from the past.

Social media also helps to spread awareness about issues quicker and to a bigger amount of people, and it can spread information faster than any other media.  Even the broadcasters of other media, like 78.5% of the media reporters affirmed that they use social media to check for breaking news.

Social media can also help the businesses, it can help employers to find employees, 96% of recruiters use social media in the recruiting process, in apps like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Social media sites have created a new major industry and thousands of jobs and helped advertising companies and their services. 71% of internet users are more likely to purchase from a brand that they are following on social media.

Social media can do more good than harm, you just have to use it effectively and have it as a tool for yourself, and not let it control you.



How Sustainable is PoCo?

  1. Choose a resource to focus on (water, waste, mined materials, fish, food, wood products, energy)
  • I will focus on waste.
  1. Create a survey or propose something to observe and record to assess PoCo’s sustainability.
  • I will walk in downtown Poco and observe how much waste I see on the floor (wraps, food…).

Where will your observation take place?

  • Downtown Poco, Shaughnessy St.

What do you expect to understand after your observation?

  • I expect to see a lot of waste since downtown PoCo is known for being a little sketchy, and that will show me how many people still litter when there are recycle bins everywhere in town.

Aquaculture and Sustainability

1. Choose a species of fish and explain which ones you should consume and which ones you should avoid.

  • Atlantic salmon: We can eat if it’s farmed by the method RAS (recirculating aquaculture system) or if it comes from Norway- Kvaroy and Selsoyvik farms only because they have the Ocean Wise approval. If it comes from BC, Scotland, Maine (US) or Chile, we shouldn’t eat.
  • Prawns/Shrimps: There’s a big variety of prawns/shrimps and most of them have the Ocean Wise approval, but Rock shrimp, Royal red shrimp, Pink shrimp, Tiger prawn, Blue shrimp, Brown shrimp and some others coming from mainly US Gulf of Mexico, Asia, California, and US South Atlantic we shouldn’t eat.

2. With reference to the video “Salmon Confidential” and your own research about the advantages and disadvantages of salmon farming, assess how sustainable aquaculture is.


Aquaculture, in theory, must be sustainable, because it doesn’t create a lot of disruption to the ecosystems, it doesn’t cause the loss of biodiversity nor pollution impact. However, like mentioned in the video “Salmon Confidential”, in the last few years we started to fish more than we need, not for alimentation but for economic means, because some countries demand a higher number, so they overfish to supply that demand. This causes the removal of some species of the water at a rate that they cannot replenish in time, resulting in depletion of the species in that area. That is the sustainability of aquaculture is being “threatened”, but if we change those methods by decreasing the demand in the bigger countries and just fish what we eat, the future generations won’t have to worry about it running out.

How sustainable is BC’s Forestry Industry?

BC has a skillfully managed system for forestry, carefully managed so that as trees are felled they are replaced with seedlings that eventually grow into mature trees. Just for the fact of being a renewable source, it’s considered sustainable because it won’t affect the future generations with the replantation system. However, I feel like have already lost so much diversity of our forestry for financial purposes. Straight to the point, the forestry industry in BC is sustainable in the basic aspects, just not in diversity.

Ethic of Care and Environmental Ethic

Key Question: What would an ethic of care towards the environment look like?

  1. How do you personally define an ethic of care?

For me, ethics of care are the opposite of fairness, it’s a kind of labor, an emotional state, requires practice and it’s also a value. It’s an ideal that guides normative judgment and action. It takes responsibility, attentiveness, and willingness to respond and take care of the need.

  1. What would be needed to create an ethic of care?

We should try emotional appealing, like find something that the people have a feeling for, pity or empathy, for example.

  1. What would we have to believe about the environment to care for it? How should we see it?

We should see the environment as something that really needs our help because it can’t help itself; WE destroyed it so I think it’s our job to repair the damage.

  1. How would we act if we cared about the environment? – give scenarios

Probably everyone should believe that the climate change is real, as a result of that everyone would be doing everything they can to help; we would decrease the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by cutting off the causers or at least using them less, like transiting more often instead of driving; more people would be trying to clean up the beaches and the streets; we would take the recycling more seriously…

  1. What would be different about the world if everyone adopted this ethic of care towards the environment? Benefits and drawbacks?

The world would be a better place to live because everyone would care about where their home is, the earth. We would probably have to put in more effort, because we’d have to try to fix our past mistakes with the environment, but on the other hand, the outcome of that would be great because that could have an impact on our health, in our own personality because we’d have more empathy in our point of view.

  1. Should we adopt an ethic of care towards the environment?
