Grammar Video Project – Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases

Paragraph About Prepositions

Prepositions are words that connects a noun or pronoun with another component of the sentence. It usually comes after the subject, generally a noun or pronoun, and it sits in front of its object. A prepositional phrase will include a preposition and a noun or pronoun, and clause. Other prepositional phrases, that are more complicated, may consist of a noun or pronoun, a verb, modifiers, the preposition and then the object. For example: The acrobat flipped on the floor. “on” is the preposition because it connects the pronoun “acrobat” with the object “floor” and it is also a prepositional phrase. Common prepositional phrase examples include about, after, at, before, behind, by, during, for, from, in, of, over, past, to, under, up, on, and with. These are just a few common examples but there are many, many more prepositions. Prepositions are different from conjunctions because it connects types of words like a noun with an object. Unlike prepositions, conjunctions work by using “and” or “but” to connect two different clauses together rather than a noun with an object. The preposition’s object is the noun or pronoun that comes after the preposition and that is relative to the preposition such as “icing on a cupcake”. “on” is the preposition that relates “icing” with “cupcake”. You can have multiple prepositions in a phrase, however, they cannot be directly after one another without any form of punctuation in between them. Prepositions are very important because without them, a phrase like “there are sprinkles on my cupcake”, would just be “there are sprinkles, my cupcake” which does not make any sense.

Quiz questions

  1. Which way is NOT how to make a prepositional phrase?

a) Noun or pronoun + verb + preposition + object

b) Noun or pronoun + verb + modifiers + preposition + object

c) Noun or pronoun + modifier + preposition + verb

2. Which one is a preposition?

a) Elephant

b) She

c) Pancake

d) With

e) And

  1. What do prepositions do?

a) Connect 2 verbs together

b) Connects 2 sentences together

c) Changes the tense of the phrase

d) It the relation between a noun or pronoun and another component of the sentence

4. True or false, write T or F

  1. ___ A preposition is a describing word
  2. ___ A preposition changes the meaning of the phrase
  3. ___ “on” is a preposition
  4. ___ “they” is a preposition
  5. ___ A prepositional phrase must include a preposition



  1. C)
  2. D)
  3. D)
  4. F, F, T, F, T



2 thoughts on “Grammar Video Project – Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases

  1. Thank you for submitting your Grammar Video Project for COL. I have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Concept is well-explained in a creative method
    – Video is well edited (sound quality has lots of distracting background noise)
    – Format is professional (text, transitions, effects, etc.)

    Thanks for sharing this great project!

    Mr. Barazzuol

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