Digital Footprint

1) My digital footprint could affect my future because it could affect my future jobs. For example, I might have a good interview and I am about to get the job when they deny me because of my social media. Another example is if I was applying to a university and me and another candidate are being compared so they check our digital footprints and I get in because he has bad stuff when his name is searched up.

2)I could keep any bad things i do off the internet by Regularly check my name to make sure nobody else with similar names has bad stuff, making sure my friends don’t tag me in stuff they did that was immoral, and post things of me that show me in  good light so i have a digital footprint, and not a negative one.

3) I would tell them that if you have your location on for your phone that apple can track where you go and will take that data and use it to target ads at you. i would also tell them not to post anything dumb and that they will regret it in a couple of years 


Pexels Job interview

pexels college student partying

Pexels guy studying

Pexels Iphone

2 thoughts on “Digital Footprint

  1. I really like your choice of photos because they well represent your phrases. Also, your examples are very relatable and can happen to anyone if they are not careful.


  2. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Details or explanations answer the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – Includes appropriate photos or media as instructed
    – Post is completed

    Thank you,
    Mr. Robinson
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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