Vancouver´s History

  1. Gastown


Gassy Jack bulit a bar and let everyone drink for free who helped him build it.

2. W Cordova Street

At this place the CPR ends.


3. Fort Langley

Fort Langley was the first european development and settlement in this area and beside the Fraser River which made it a main trading post.


4. North Road

Originally a trail connecting New Westminster and Port Moody, now the main border between Burnaby and Coquitlam.


5. Hasting Mill (Alma Street)

Hasting Mill was one of the first businesses developed in the area. All the workers from the mill helped Gassy Jack build his bar.


6.  Hamilton Street

At this corner of Hamilton Street Hamilton began to survey the land for building the city of Vancouver.


7. Stanley Park Seawall

Stanley Park was originally military owned reserve.



Unit Project Write-Up- Political Cartoon


In the picture there is a train with 3 carts atttached. The first one, the engine, carries a British Flag and over it a Canadian Flag. The cart behind it has a man on it who says: „ The CPR is finished, we are heading west now.“ The second cart has to people on it, one with a HBC on his shirt and the other one with NWC on his shirt. They are doing a handshake and both say: „ We financed this whole project!“ The third cart has a man with NWMP on his shirt, he is shouting: „ No Americans!“ Next to the train there is a man running who carries an american flag. Behind the train there is a cage being dragged that has no wheels. Inside it there is a person on field falling over with a pickaxe in his hand. Behinf him there is a person with a bottle in his hand, who is also stumbling. On top of that cage there is another box with a sign that says: „Residential School.“ Inside that box there is a person sitting on a chair in front of a desk and another person bending over. Behind the person bending over there is someone standing up with a stick in his hand.



The train represents the CPR and also the government of Canada at that time, wiht John A. Macdonald, who had the idea to build the CPR, the HBC and the NWC who paid most of the CPR and behind them there is a police man, from the NWMP to be exact. The cage includes Metis and Aboriginals who were dragged behind, regardless of their rights or opinion. The Metis was just farming, but John A. Macdonald and his train (the government) ran by and dragged the Metis with them. The drunk person is an Aboriginal. Aboriginals were a part of the development of Western Canada because their alcohol addiction caused some new laws to be enforced. They are both in a cage because they had to go with the government and did not have a choice. The person running next to the train is an american who sis trying to get on the train and trade whiskey, but the Police Man keeps him from jumping onto the train. In the residential school, the box on top, the person sitting at the desk and the person bending over are Aboriginal children and the perosn standing up is a teacher and supervisor. He is using the stick in his hand to beat or maybe even abuse the child bending over, that is what happened in the Residential Schools. The engine cart, with the Canadian flag above the British flag, shows the very beginning incident, where Canada purchased Rupert´s land from Britain.



John A. Macdonald and the government dragged the Metis and Aboriginals with them, but they didn´t hurt them. That makes the picture almost neutral, but it still pictures the conditions that the Metis and Aboriginal were in as really bad. The only time the government acted unfair was when they started Resdential Schools, because there human rights were not maintained. The other parts of Canada´s development were fair, because the Metis could have also tried to take control over at least parts of the country, but they didn´t, so the government took over their rights, but they still got land to use, even though they didn´t own it. All in all this cartoon shows how Metis and Aboriginals were forced to go with the government and didn´t have a chance to choose what they wanted, but also that the Canadian government, lead by John A. Macdonald was making ist way west and was succesful doing that.


Battle of Seven Oaks

  • Causes

– political and technological changes increased poverty and hardships for families

-Hudson´s Bay Company extended their region into Northwest Company territory

-The fourth Earl of Selkirk wanted to settle three groups on his lands in British North America who would take lots of land

-Selkirk settlers are going hungry

-MacDonnell created the Pemmican Proclamation that does not allow people to sell pemmican outside the colony- makes buffalo running illegal

-NWC and Metis threaten and harass colonists (stole lifestock and tools, burn crops and houses


  • Components

-NWC stole Pemmican from HBC

-NWC take over forts

-HBC sends Robert Semple to find the Pemmican thieves

-Semple (force of 21 men) meets Cuthbert Grant (Metis)- 65

-no one know who shot first

-Grant and the Metis win

-15 minute battle


  • Consequences

-colonists leave

-Selkirk takes over NWC forts and arrests employees

-Metis now believe that the English had no regard for Metis way of life

-Britain now sees the Metis as savages who need to be civilized

-conflict with two economic systems- Metis will want the Buffalo hunt and the British want agriculture

Battle of Seven Oaks


The picture above shows the Battle of Seven Oaks, where Metis and the English for about fifteen minutes, at Seven Oaks, North of Winnipeg. All that resulted from a number of causes that mostly were connected to the competition between HBC and NWC. The first one of those reasons was that the Hudson´s Bay company ran out of beaver population so they extended their region into the NWC region, which was the first conflict. Also settlers in Selkirk were going hungry due to the Pemmican law and being not allowed to do buffalo running anymore. When the HBC sends Robert Semple to find the Pemmican thieves, he and his delegation, which includes 21 men, run into a group of Metis, which included 65 men and they started fighting. Nobody really knows who shot first, but we do know the battle only lasted for about 15 minutes, which was a very short battle compared to other fights on history. In the picture the Metis are charging at the English, so the picture definitely shows and supports the British perspective, since the British depicted the Metis as savages. The Metis won the battle, so there were some consequences for both the British and Metis. Their image of each other got supported, the Metis were convinced that the British did not have any regards of the Metis lifestyle. The British were even more convinced that the Metis were savages that they had to deal with and that had to be civilized. The battle also created a new conflict, this time it was an economic one: The British wanted an agricultural based economy, while the Metis wanted a Buffalo hunt based economy.

Guiding Questions for Aboriginal Fur Trade

  • Why did First Nations women marry French- Canadian fur traders?

Marriage created a partnership between French-Canadian and First Nations, who could both profit from each others knowledge and technology.

  • Which company (HBC or NWC) would be more likely to be working with the Metis and why?

NWC, because they explored the Northwest and built trading forts, so for the Metis it was more profitable to work with the NWC than the HBC.

  • What is the difference between „Metis“ and „Country Born“?

Metis: French and Aboriginal

Country Born: English and Aboriginal

  • In what ways did the Metis adopt French Culture?

– They spoke french

-each farmer got strips of lands all connected to a river


-big farming industries

  • What role did Metis play in the fur trade?

Make Pemmican and sell Buffalo ropes to feed and supply the fur traders. All in all they were responsible for hunting Buffalo.


  • Explain how the Buffalo hunt required skill?

They had to hold their guns, load the gun with gunpowder, aim, shoot and ride the horse at the same time.


American Civil War

  1. Summarize the following: American Civil War (Trent Affair as well as St. Albans). Manifest Destiny, Fenian Raids, Britain´s feelings about the BNA colonies.

American Civil War:

Between 1861 and 1865 several southern American states formed the Confederate States of America. The government saw that as an attempted rebellion. For control of political and economical decision making the southern states fought a brutal war against the northern states. The northern states won that war, but the consequences of that war reached far more than just the states inside America. the South, who provided Cotton for the British textile industry, blocked ships from leaving to cut the British off the Cotton supplies. The British build so called blockade runners, which were small, fast ships that could snuggle through the blockade and get the Cotton from the Southern States.


The trent affair: The United States stopped a British mail ship with two national agents on board and took the agents as prisoners, even though they were in neutral water. Resulting from that the British sent 14000 troops to British North America, what took the a long time because there was no railway and threatened to attack. In the end they never actually did attack.


St. Albans Raid: Confederate soldiers attacked the town St. Albans in Vermont and used Montreal as their base. Because they did not wanna get put into prison they escaped back across the border to the United States.



Manifest Destiny: American Believe that one day they should rule all of North America.



Fenian Raids: A group of Irish people formed a group called „the Fenians“, whose target it was to free the Irish from British control. Their strategy was to capture British North American colonies and trade them back for Irish freedom. They tried attacks in East and West Canada, but they only killed a few Canadians and then were forced back across the border. Those attacks got the British North American Colonies to believe they needed a common defense against possible future raids.



Why did the rebellion 1837 fail?

On the first page the author said that they had to organize themselves, so they were not really organized or coordinated.

In line 13 on the second page he said they had rifles and guns of various kinds and some of them were old, so their equipment was not really good. Also eventually some of their rifles might not be effective and that could make them easier to attack. Just after that, in line 14/15 he said when they had to reload their guns, they did not „step aside to make from for those behind“, but stayed where they were so those behind them who were ready to fire could not shoot because their teammates were in the way. In the same lines he says their coordination was that bad that they could more likely die from one of their teammate´s guns than an enemy´s gun.


Later, on page 3 he says that people who heard the firing and saw people fall to the ground ran away as fast as they could, so even their own people and possible support ran away and left the warriors behind.

Movie Pitch



Opening scene: The location is on a farm with a lot of slaves. Some of them get rescued by people from the undergrund railroad but halway through executing their plan they get caught, so the ones who already left the farm have to run away and in that moment the character sees that his family hasn´t made it and he has to leave them on the farm. When they go over a hill and he looks back a last time he sees how the slaves who could not get rescued get beaten and whipped and so does his family.


Character 1:

There is a free black man who got saved by the underground railroad an is in one of the free states. But his family did not get saved, so he realizes it is not worth being free without his family being there. So he makes a decision: He will go back south on the underground railroad. He starts his way on the railroad in Windsor, Canada where he reached free dom and was accepted by society. so now he has to go all the way back. He talks to people who are headed north and asks for directions or locations of safehouses. He causes confusion between those people who are wondering why he would want to go back south after he has been rescued, some people even say: „This is so dangerous, what if you get caught and have to be a slave again?“ Now he ralizes how bad all those people want to get out of their situation and it is not only about his family, it is about hundreds, if not thousands of families.

Character 2:

A landlord in England was rich and had lots of slaves but he lost everything when the fields and the land he owned burned down in a revolt started by people from that town. He used to let them live on his land, but then he wanted to make more and more money for himself and started taking it away from them again. Now they start a revolt and burn down all the plants that his farm has grown and the forest he owns and his house. From now on all he does is try to get rich again by trying to rebuild his farm and begging for money from his friends to start up a new farm. At the same time he sees how it is to have nothing and having to find a way to get enough food to eat.

Character 3:

An Irish man is controlled by absentee lanldords from England, who only give him the bad land where he cannot grow anything. He decides to go to Canada after the landlord takes away his last piece of land. He takes the next Coffin Ship to Canada, but that is going to be a very hard journey because the hygiene on that ship is really really bad. He manages to not get sick, but he sees people get sick and die and the crew on the ship makes him throw over the barrels that they put the bodys in. The Irish man still does not get sick, but he learns a lecture: He does not want anybody else to live in conditions like he did most of his life. Especially when he gets to Windsor, Canada and is accepted for the first time in his life he wants to help other people get frredom too.



It is an adventure movie mixed with a drama

The basic idea is that a man who had to leave his family behind does the journey on the underground railroad again to save them

The main conflict is that there is too many people that have to be saved

He goes from the free states back to the slave states on the underground railroad



Clearing Land:

They need to clear land to create farmland

It is so important that they get other people to help and give them some of the cleared land




They don´t have a currency

They trade their work and help on the boat for the Metis to take them on the journey



Absente Landlord

The farm that the free black man escaped from was owned by an absentee landlord

Later the slaves are absentee landlords, when they go back to the slave states and let the former British landlord work on their farm



Metis/ Voyageurs

Both the British landlord and the group of the free black man, the Irish man and the slaves go with a group of Metis because they know the region

The Irish man falls in love with a Metis woman, so her family helps them bring more people to Rural Canada

Voyageurs go on journeys to Rural Canada with Metis




The slaves have no problem carrying the boat over Portages because they worked hard all their live

The former landlord struggles at the portages because he has never done hard work and now he has to carry the heavy boat through the mud




The Metis women prepare Pemmican that they give to to group of Voyageurs when they come to the camps

The landlord is also struggling here because he is used to eating only the best food and not the same food everyday

For the slaves this food is very good because they never got that much food at a time

The food does not turn bad quickly and it is nutritious so it is really good for the journey


Catholic/ Protestant

The absentee landlord is British, so he is protestant and he is rich in the beginning

The Irish man is Catholic, so he was controlled by the British landlords



Acceptance of Irish and Black people

In the United States black people are slaves unless they get to the free states

Irish people are not slaves, but they still cannot get good jobs and are descriminated

In Canada they all are accepted



Coffin Ship experience

The Irish man arrives with a Coffin Ship

He manages not to get sick, but he is exhausted from the jourey

The free black man has to help him recover

He did not enjoy the journey on the coffin ship




The slaves in the opening scene who got caught got beat up

Some of them get sold at an auction because the landlord does not want them anymore

The slaves who get caught shipping themselves get whipped and brought back to the farm where they came from


Underground Railroad

The uderground railraod is the free black man´s way back to the farm to safe his family

They spend their nights at safehouses along the underground railroad

People on the way can tell them the way south

People who are headed North are confused because they do not know why somebody would go back south

They build up their own network on the underground railroad to be able to get more people North and not always have to all the way back by themselves



In the Metis community the women make snowshoes, warm clothes, navigate and are the factor of surviving

In urban Canada, where they arrive, women are doing domestic chores and carinf for the children

There are not many women outside because most of their jobs are done inside the house











Clearing land





Slaves Escaping













Coffin Ship















Underground Railroad: Consequences- Life in Windsor

David Cooper

A North-Side View of Slavery. The Refugee, or The Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in Canada, Related by Themselves: With an Account of the History and condition of the Colored Population of Upper Canada. by Drew, Benjamin

Page 334-335

“ A part of them can principally support themselves on what they have cleared, but they have to work out to keep their families supplied.“

They are now their own masters. Before, when they were slaves, their masters told them what to do and made sure they do not starve to death. Now, there is nobody telling them what to do, so they have to learn everything by themselves, but they can decide what they want to use their land, their ow property for. It might be hard, and they might have to do something else to get enough food to live on, but they were not beat and whipped anymore.


„…, and sold to any colored men who were disposed to buy.“

Former slaves were allowed to have property. With the little money they had they could buy property and start a farm and build a house, so they were not owned by anyone else, they owned their own property. With that property they could do whatever they wanted, so whatever was good for their families and brought enough food. If they were able to grow enough they could even trade it and make more money.