New book cover – Acceleration

This book cover for Acceleration by Graham McNamee is a suitable choice for the book its on. This book is about how a boy named Duncan finds a diary that belongs to someone of a twisted mind, a psychopath who wants nothing but to commit the evilest of crimes, and Duncan needs to stop him. There are a lot of parts in of this book that takes place in an underground empty subway station so the image with the shadowy man running down the subway tunnel is a very good use of imagery outside of the book. The blood splatter that is on the name of the book is also a good choice as it fits with the plot of a subway and a killer, as the final part at the end of the book ends with blood on the train and the tracks as well, also indicated by the Acceleration text, it appears as though there are track marks in black/red through the title word of the book, that may be stained with blood.



This custom new book cover is a suitable replacement to the other one because it portrays similar elements as the previous cover. The 2 shadowy figures in the back are apparently fighting near a subway / train station, with either of them being able to fall into the tracks at any time. This foreshadows the final act where the 2 men engage in 1 versus 1 combat with nothing but their fists and the objects around them. Also, the setting of a dark, empty, and gloomy subway station all helps to imageries the major plot point events, and on top of that it even feels like the villain’s home base because of the points mentioned above, indirectly putting the hero at a disadvantage. The title o the book itself being in red also helps symbolize the books horror type genre by subtly telling us that there is red going to be shown at many spots in the book. And that is why I believe that these novel covers both work as great pieces and decisions by the author to include.


By: Logan


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