What aspects of Tech Team are successful? Explain why.
I believe as a team we provide a lot of help to teach others and show them how to resolve their technological problems if they were to arise again. This aspect is very important because as an IDS class we aren’t always able to help others even though we constantly want and try to do; however, by showing people what they would need to do if the same problem happens they are able to rely on themselves instead of others, but if anything Tech Team never hesitates to help. Another great aspect is how we are all doing various projects that impact our school in a positive way, whether is through informing others on social media, inspiring others to create a positive impact through a Wall of Excellence, or even through the creation of videos or with lighting and sound with school production. Tech Team is always on the go with projects and helping others which are great aspects that cause great success.
What aspects of Tech Team are challenging? Explain why.
The most challenging aspect of Tech Team is schedule wise since we are only able to meet once to twice a week with the whole team and then additional meetings are set in place for groups. I think it’s difficult also since everyone is busy on their own times and with this being an IDS class, we also aren’t able to help everyone since there just aren’t enough people to constantly be open. In my opinion, this is the most challenging since we are so immersed in technology at our school that we then have more problems with technology than the average school making it necessary to have an “on-call” system or something along those lines; as well as, if we already have a system or people available at all blocks then it should be advertised more to teachers and on the site or social media platforms since I, a member of tech Team, am not aware of the opportunities/place to go for help.
What support does our school need from the Tech Team moving forward? Explain why.
I think we should train teachers with the basics of technology that happen form day to day, such as with the WIFI and how to connect, add, or delete it when it isn’t working. Also, with projectors and how they work so teachers can teach their lessons. All this minimal training can then allow teachers to know more about how to help themselves and not derail their plans or classes, which is quite necessary. Furthermore, I think we should train Tech Team member even more with classical technology problems so anyone apart of the team can help others. Finally, I believe as I stated before we need a better supply of people that can help in all the block of the day when it comes to technological problems and also make it clear to teachers, staff, and students on where to go if anything were to happen.
What can we do to improve our support for our school?
I would see if we can put tech Team maybe in certain blocks on the day for people so their “off-block” would be sitting in a library and being available. I would still keep Tech Team at lunch for those who can’t do that and have maybe too many classes, but it could be a start for the support in our school to be readily available at all times. Also as I said before, having Tech Team members trained with the basics just in case they do not know how to solve those problems would help a lot of people out especially if it happens in their class and then they can help their teacher. In conclusion, I just believe we should be more available and trained.
What are some things other Tech Teams are doing that we may want to apply at Riverside?
I wasn’t able to find a lot because I could have been looking in the wrong place, but what I did find was allowing others to give feedback on how Tech Team works and how they help which may included teachers, students, staff, etc. Also, most of the one that I found included Tech Teams that were distributed so help could be readily available to many. There were also a lot that had Student IT Help Desks that were open through tout the day and specifically at lunch. Another idea was teacher workshops to keep teachers up to date and be able to solve their technological problems. Finally, one has a parent workshop to teach parents to help with technological problems and also a student digital skills program, so it wasn’t just when they have their issues they learn, but maybe a class or program as said before so students can also help themselves. Those were the best and most relevant/prevalent ideas I found while researching.
Has you research created any ideas that the Tech Team can implement here?
I still believe we should have teacher workshops or info sessions and have an all-day help desk. Those are the biggest two ideas I would start on implementing here at Riverside for Tech Team to create a more informed school. Also I think there should be more help during the beginning of school especially, but with this being said I think it’s very much so needed to have teachers, staff, and students know where to go if they do need help because not always does everyone know what to do or where to go; basically make it evident. Overall, I think both these ideas will benefit Tech Team in the long run in terms of helping and support for the school community.