What are some things you have learned and/or tasks you have accomplished the last several weeks?
This semester coming to an end we’ve starting working quite well and fast on the passion project. We’ve accomplished multiple things such as, finding possible names, finding possible approches, and trying o create qualifications. Our team has worked so much on this project trying to make it well and we’re going at a good pace at the moment.
What aspects of your work are successful? Explain why.
Some aspects of our work being successful are shown in how we’ve as a team with a lot of support we’re able to really get this whole new project off the ground in the first place. I’m really with the amount of work we were able to accomplish in the time we had and can’t wait to see what the end product to be.
What aspects of your work is challenging? Explain why.
The more challenging aspects are how our whole team needs to find times at work with everyone as well as, the project itself is quite a difficult task because it’s so new and it’s very hard to find a concrete plan of execution for it. This is the most challenging part because it’s something we didn’t except and now must try to the best of our ability to work with it to fix it.
What steps did you take to overcome these challenges / what adjustments did you need to make?
The steps are currently being taken to overcome these challenges by finding another time to meet up and try and get all the bumps out of the criteria for the project. Some adjustments including changing points of views and trying to understand other peoples ideas, which in the end worked out quite well because we were able to come to conclusions with this.
Is there anything you can do improve? (With your approach to the project, or altering the project)
Some improvements can be made by speaking up and trying to get yourself heard while trying to find the best ideas for certain subjects which means we have to work as a team to be able to showcase what we’ve accomplished and how we have found that this is the best possible way.
Do you have any feedback or suggestions, as we move forward, that could help the Tech Team meet the needs of our school and staff?
I belive at the moment there is just the matter of getting the fact that there’s a wave support area in the library for teachers and students. As well as, Tech Team itself being able to learn new things with technology so if anything they’re up to date and are ready/able to help.