Expanding Binomials:
To find the product of a question of binomials we can use distributive property. First off we have our equation (the algebra tiles that are red are negative and any other colour is positive.) With this equation and algebra tiles we can put them in the chart to be able to see what we need in the middle for the answer. The image below shows how we have our equation and then we can use the side measures of each algebra tile on each side fill in the needed space in the middle.
Now after looking at the equation and use distributive property by filling in the middle and knowing already our operations/rules of math we can figure out the answer, shown below. After all this we simplify by taking out the zero pairs of algebra tiles to find the correct and accurate answer
Factoring a Trinomial:
After going over how to use distributive property we can use the opposite operations and factor a trinomial from knowing the middle of the chart to find out the sides of it. We use the equation and the algebra tiles and use the dimensions of the tiles on the inside to calculate the answer. Below is an image of a trinomial in the chart.
Now we can finally use the dimensions as I stated before and finish factoring as shown below and then we have our answer () () on how to factor with this example.