This cartoon is represent is Alliance. Dual Alliance 1879 under Otto Von Bismarck of Germany and Austria. Germany’s plan to isolate France in the case of revenger over the losses in 1870. Russia was concerned the failure to resign the treaty would further ally Germany and Austria. Russia joins in triple entente with France and Britain for protection. On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Russians had mobilized to support Serbia.
This cartoon is represent nationalism. Some Bosnian Serbs formed the Black Hand. They wanted to unite the Slavic peoples to form Greater Serbia.
The theme of this slide is imperialism. The tensions exist between Britain, Germany and France.
The theme of this slide is militarism. Britain had a two-power standard. Germany starts an arms race with Britain.
On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Russians had already mobilized to support Serbia. On July 31, Russians order a general mobilization. Germany declared against Serbia and Russia on August 1, 1914. France orders general mobilization. Germany declares war on France august 3, 1914. On August 5, 1914, Britain declares war on Germany.
A) The cartoon depicting the web of alliances of WWI. B) The first country is Serbia. Serbia is the weakest and smallest country in Word War I. It was attacked by a major power country, Austro-Hungary. C) The title “the chain of friendship” is ironic. This cartoon shows the relationship and friendship between each country. However, the friendships lead to the war.
One thought on “Causes of WWI”
Good job. For imperialism, explain what each country was trying to do and how that would lead to conflict.
Why did Britain join the war?
For #7, you need to discuss how the image is drawn and how that shows a certain point of view.
Good job. For imperialism, explain what each country was trying to do and how that would lead to conflict.
Why did Britain join the war?
For #7, you need to discuss how the image is drawn and how that shows a certain point of view.