The Sea Devil Questions and Vocabulary

The sea devil questions


Answer the following questions using complete sentences and evidence/quotes from the story to support your answers.


  1. Why does the man fish by night? How does this lead to the ray? What is significant about the fact that he does not fish for a living?

He liked to fish at night because he liked to cast alone. This leads to the conflict because he couldn’t see very well because it was dark out. The significance is that he fishes for fun because he has a life outside of fishing.

  1. Identify 3 examples of foreshadowing

When he put the knots on his wrists

When the author said “he looked closely to make sure no stingray was hidden in the mesh”

  1. Identify the following parts of the story’s plot; the complicating incident, a single crisis, the climax, the resolution and the ending (what kind)?

The complicating incident: When the man wasn’t going to catch anything till he saw 2 or 3 mullets together

A single crisis: when he realized he caught the sea devil instead of a mullet

The climax: When he was being dragged around by the sea devil and he cut the rope

The resolution: The man decided to never go fishing alone and let the mullets go

Ending: It was a happy one because he was saved

  1. One of the conflicts is between the civilised and primitive world (define these two words first). What is the purpose of the references made to the plane, the causeway, and the man’s wife at home?

A civilised world means that everyone is living in a modern world

A primitive world is when it all nature and untouched by humans

I think that the plane and causeway is a symbol of how far people have come since the primitive world and the wife at home represents how we have been able to have housing and heating.

  1. What does the man learn at the end of the story? Why does he release the mullet?

He learns how it feels to be trapped instead of being the trapper and releases out of sympathy.

  1. Find 3 examples of descriptive language- this will lead into a discussion of figurative language.




  1. Sullen p.32

Bad-tempered; gloomy

  1. Weltering p.33

To move in a turbulent fashion

  1. Elemental p.33

Primary or basic

  1. Sinewy p.33

Lean or muscular

  1. Hoisted p.33

To raise something by means of rope or pulleys

  1. Phosphorescence p.34

Light emitted by a substance without combustion or perceptible heat.

  1. Cordage p.34

Cords or ropes, especially in a ship’s rigging

  1. Exhilaration p.34

A feeling of excitement or happiness

  1. Atavistic p. 35

Relating to or characterized by revision to something ancient or ancestral

  1. Centrifugal p. 35

Moving something away from the center

  1. Gauntly p. 35

Extremely thin or bony

  1. Impeding p. 37

To delay or prevent by obstructing them; hinder

  1. Tenaciously p.37

With a firm hold on something; closely

  1. Respite p. 38

A short period of rest or relief of something difficult or unpleasant

  1. Equilibrium p. 38

A state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced

  1. Imminent p. 39

About to happen